1. DOOM 3 Review - IGN
5 aug 2004 · DOOM 3 is extremely immersive with about as perfect a presentation as I've ever seen in a game. Visually, it has no peer at the moment. Even Far ...
DOOM 3 is a great game. Not necessarily for the gameplay aspects, but for the fact that my eyes and ears never went a moment without being completely entertained. DOOM 3 is extremely immersive with about as perfect a presentation as I've ever seen in a game. Visually, it has no peer at the moment. Even Far Cry's impressive vistas and wonderful environments can't stand up to the artistic and technical might of this sensory feast. Playing this on a 5.1 surround sound in the dark is an intense experience that, if possible, must be enjoyed. Without the atmosphere, DOOM 3 is a plain shooter that hearkens back to those of the 90's. Certainly, that's what id was trying to do, and they've done it. While I don't appreciate those types of shooters as much as I used to, it didn't really matter. I was drawn in and addicted almost completely from the moment that nameless marine arrived at Mars City to the moment the final credits began rolling.

2. Why Doom 3 is still an important and misunderstood game - PC Gamer
31 aug 2024 · It's a genuinely impressive production, a solid shooter in its own right, and still feels like Doom 3, even if Phobos' shotgun is several times ...
Looking back at the unloved Doom 3 with decades of hindsight.

3. Why You Should (Re)play DOOM 3 - Sapphire Nation
16 aug 2024 · The game sounds phenomenal in its ambiance and NPC or enemy chatter. It is actually better than many modern games here, outright. Its only real ...
The 3rd of August, 2004 marked the release of one of gaming’s most monumental sequels, a legendary successor to a legendary gaming franchise – DOOM 3.
4. DOOM 3 Reviews - Metacritic
It might not be the very best shooter out there, but it's the more visually stunning and successfully atmospheric than any game we've had the pleasure to play.
id Software's terrifying battle with the forces of Hell. A massive demonic invasion has overwhelmed the Union Aerospace Corporations’ (UAC) Mars Research Facility leaving only chaos and horror in its wake. As one of only a few survivors, you struggle with shock and fear as you fight your way to Hell and back, in an epic clash against pure evil. Built on id’s revolutionary new 3D graphics engine, DOOM 3 draws you into the most frightening and gripping 3D gaming experience ever created.
5. Is Doom 3 good? - Doomworld
18 feb 2020 · Doom 3 is slower, darker and scarier. Really more survival horrorish with a more in-depth story. I enjoy it but it is flawed. Arguably too dark, and a bit ...
Hi Im new. You guys seem to be nice from the posts Ive read so I think Ill enjoy it here. Ill try to be nice too. Anyway, I started getting into Doom recently. Ive just completed Doom 1 UV and am about to complete Doom 2 on UV too. I dont have Doom 2016, but am curious to try out Doom 3 so as to ...
6. Doom III: Single-Player Review | Eurogamer.net
29 mrt 2006 · You learn to back the hell off - Doom III is never an easy ride. Nevertheless, the challenge is a sound one, because you're simply revelling in ...
See AlsoSkip The Games VegasIt's hard to figure out what's more hellish. Being trapped indoors on a hot, sticky, humid London summer day at 32 degr…

7. Doom 3 (Switch) Review - Nintendo World Report
7 aug 2019 · The game runs mostly at 60 frames per second, with somewhat frequent but not particularly distracting drops. The beautiful presentation is ...
Drag me back to Hell.

8. Doom 3 Review - GameSpot
4 aug 2004 · Doom 3 is quite possibly the best-looking game ever, thanks to the brand-new 3D graphics engine used to generate its convincingly lifelike, ...
While not as remarkable as the technology that fuels it, the game itself is put together well enough to make Doom 3 legitimately great, all things considered.

9. My review for the BFG Edition. - Doom 3 - Doomworld
31 okt 2012 · I was referring specifically about the Doom 3 port to Linux that has existed for many years longer than the source code has been out.
NOTE: This review is for the PS3 version of the game. The Good: -Contains almost every Doom game on a single disc. -Looks fantastic on a proper TV. -Controls are very smooth for the most part. -The graphics still look great even to this day. The Bad: -A bit expensive considering that this is a re...
10. Doom 3: The Review - Ars Technica
10 aug 2004 · In the case of Doom 3, my job is even harder, simply because what this game does well it does better than any other game (the ambience, graphics ...
Ars reviews Doom 3, and as it turns out it's one helluva ride. Too bad Ars …