How Understanding the 16 Personality Types Can Change the Way We Work Together (2024)

The modern workplace is certainly changing and evolving. For years it seemed that employers had no real vestige in getting to know their employees. There was no reason to spend extra time or money investing in team-building exercises, personality profiles, or specialized treatment. However, in recent years, that is all changing.

With mega-companies like Google and Apple leading the way in a new kind of workforce, smart companies are beginning to turn their eye towards improved employee management tactics. The fact of the matter is that good workers can be hard to come by, and keeping them can be even harder.

On top of better benefits and flexible schedules, companies are trialing all kinds of new ideas to improve employee satisfaction. Some are even offering designated naptimes, which sounds pretty good to us! One of the most important tactics that companies are implementing is personality profiles.

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Are Personality Profiles Good For the Workplace?

Personality tests in the workforce are controversial, to say the least. Though many psychologists have presented major problems with using these tests to hire employees, make relationship decisions, or determine qualifications, they are still growing in popularity. Tests like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and its offshoot, The 16Personalities test is cropping up in job application processes and new-hire orientation in companies all over the place. According to Consumer Media Group, “3.5 million assessments are administered each year,” and “nearly 90% of Fortune 100 companies use the MBTI test in the hiring process or as a team-building exercise.” Though personality tests have their detractors, can they be useful? Obviously, most people agree that they can. If used correctly, as a starting block to get to know someone, not as a definitive categorizing tool, they can help us at least understand each other and ourselves a bit better.

One of the most heavily used personality tests is the 16Personalities test. It is a framework developed from the older and popular MBTI. However, 16personalities is a free personality test. We will use them interchangeably for the purpose of this article, as they are closely linked. MBTI has been used since the 1960s. The questionnaire was developed by mother-daughter duo Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. The two ladies spent years developing and enhancing the theories of psychologist Dr. Carl Jung.

How Do the MBTI and 16Personalities work?

Jung’s Theory breaks people down into four categories. Myers-Briggs expands on those general typologies to create 16 personality types. The test consists of 93 dichotomous, forced-answer questions. The test taker is then assigned a personality type that consists of 4 letters, one from each of the four different assessment categories. The 16Personalities test Further Categorizes these 16 types in Analysts, Sentinels, Explorers, and Diplomats.

Jung’s four major categories are:

Extroverted vs. Introverted

Do they recharge and get energy by being around others, or do they need time alone to recharge?

Sensory vs. Intuitive

Do they get their info from sensory input like what they hear or see, or do they depend on intuition?

Thinking vs. Feeling

How do they make decisions? Is it based on strictly, objective facts how it makes them feel?

Judging vs. Perceiving

Do they make decisions easily and carry them out, or do they prefer to leave their options open and see what happens?

What Are The 16 Personality Types?

It is important to remember that even according to Jung, “every individual is an exception to the rule.” Jung was known to make statements like “there is no such thing as a pure extrovert or a pure introvert. Such a man would be in the lunatic asylum.” So, as we dive into the personality types, remember they are generalizations and not based on scientific fact. They are best used as a rough draft that you will have to tweak for each person.

The Sentinels

1. The Inspector or the Logistician (ISTJ)

The ISTJ personality has the dominant trait of introversion. They are calm and collected under pressure. They are generally very organized and have a strong work ethic. Inspectors usually keep a tidy space, are very respectful and, value integrity above all else. You can count on them to keep their word and produce reliable work.

2. The Nurturer or The Defender (ISFJ)

The Nurturer is very careful with words and actions. They are very organized and reserved. Nurturers are generally pretty predictable, as they are creatures of habit and systematic. The ISFJ personality puts others above themselves and is a concerned and caring teammate They often are quiet about their own needs, in light of helping others.

3. The Provider or The Consul (ESFJ)

The ESFJ personality is happy when everyone else is happy. They bring a deep sense of comradery and inclusivity to a team. They are focused on the present moment, are great encouragers, and are surprisingly very concerned about following the rules. This is not a trait of most extroverts.

4. The Supervisor or The Executive (ESTJ)

The ESTJ personality is THE BOSS. They find it hard not to be in control, in fact. The Supervisor never breaks rules. They work well under structured processes. They are dignified, hardworking, and almost overly organized. You can count on an ESTJ to get the job done, in the right way, and exactly on time.

The Analysts

5. The Mastermind or The Architect (INTJ)

Introverted, intuitive, and a thinker, the INTJ personality do not excel at social interaction. However, they have amazing thought processes and find connections that others do not. This unique personality trait makes them excellent problem solvers. They are always looking for deeper understanding and efficient solutions.

6. The Thinker or The Logician (INTP)

Thinkers may come off as aloof, or even boring. The truth is that they have such an imaginative thought life, that the real world around them just doesn’t hold their interest. INTP personalities are ingenious. They have a unique perspective on the world, and they bring it to work with them. They are great problem solvers and are usually an expert in their field.

7. The Commander or The Executive (ENTJ)

The ENTJ personality is logical and anticipates future problems with ease. They are decisive, assertive, and autonomous. Commanders are usually in a leadership position, and they are great at it.

8. The Visionary or The Debater (ENTP)

The Visionary is a skilled problem solver. They are innovative and logical, and no problem seems to big for them. They might not do so well at enacting the solution though. Give that job to the Craftsmen. However, they enthusiastically and ingeniously come up with visions that no one else can, and they can’t resist a good debate.

The Diplomats

9. The Counselor or The Advocate (INFJ)

The INFJ personality fits its nickname, The Counselor, to a “T”. Counselors are wonderful team members because they not only support and encourage other team members, but they love a challenge. They often present ideas and solutions that no one else thinks of because of their selfless way of looking at the world.

10. The Mediator (INFP)

The INFP personality wants to improve the world we live in. They are natural mediators, as they have a strong sense of comradery. They are dreamers, who see the big picture, and believe that amazing things can happen. Mediators are creative and humble. They won’t have many friends, but the ones they do have will be extremely close.

11. The Giver or The Protagonist (ENFJ)

The ENFJ personality is the definition of a free-thinker. They are creative souls that are very driven. Givers are incredible leaders, as they work from a strong ethical code, have great intuition, and are highly organized. They are gifted communicators and persuaders. Their confidence is only matched by their desire to see others succeed, which makes them an invaluable team member.

12. The Champion or The Campaigner (ENFP)

The ENFP personality is also a lively one! They are creative adventurers and usually have a plethora of interests. Champions want everyone to participate and be included. In the workplace, they are great to consult on new ideas, because not only are they creative, but they are encouraging to teammates who may be less confident in their work.

The Explorers

13. The Artist or The Adventurer (ISFP)

Like most introverts, Artists do their best work when alone. They are charming and easy-going and usually are artistic and spontaneous. Artists are perfectionists, so they produce excellent work without much guidance, and they bring a creative and relaxed spirit to the work environment. They work great in small groups.

14. The Craftsman or The Virtuoso (ISTP)

The Craftsman is a lone wolf. They are independent to a fault, generally find their own ideas more valuable than others, and quickly execute difficult challenges. The ISTP personality isn’t as predictable as some of the other personalities on the list. Some are very spontaneous and impulsive. Others are rational and thoughtful. In the workplace, Craftsmen are invaluable as they are amazing with hands-on tasks and can bring any dream to fruition.

15. The Performer or The Entertainer (ESFP)

This psychological type is a vibrant entertainer! They love to be the center of attention, which makes them natural leaders. They are usually generous and friendly. Entertainers love to learn, and they love to teach what they have learned to others.

16. The Doer or The Entrepreneur (ESTP)

The ESTP personality has no time to mess around. Their motto is that life is short, let’s get ‘er done. The Doer is typically enthusiastic, very adaptable, and may tend to overlook rules. They will especially overlook any rule that slows down progress, as they are goal-driven individuals. They generally bring an easy-going essence to the team.

How Can Analyzing Personality Traits Help in the Workplace?

Alright, so now that we have covered a bit about each of the 16 personality types, how can this information help create a more productive and efficient work environment? There are several ways in which 16Personalities can help employees and supervisors learn more about themselves and their coworkers.

1. It can help you choose a career.

As we have discussed, no major decisions should be made based solely on the results of 16Personalities, as it is not scientifically based or proven. It is also subjective, in that the test taker is answering the questions about themselves. However, if answered in the most honest way possible, 16Personalities can help you figure out what career your natural gifts may be an asset in. The test is a great way to assess your own personality. You may learn things about yourself you didn’t know, and it may help you decide which field to study or work in. The Myers Briggs Foundation has multiple resources for how MBTI can be used in personal and work life on their website, including which careers most align with each personality type.

2. It can help employees create a better workflow for themselves.

Once you understand more about how your mind works, your preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, you can better design a workflow that utilizes your assets. Everyone wants to be efficient and fulfilled in their job. Understanding more about your own personality traits will allow you to apply for tasks that suit you better, stay away from projects that don’t line up with your strengths, and help you manage your time more wisely.

3. It can help coworkers understand each other and prevent conflict.

While 16Personalities is not a magic “get-along” pill, it can help individuals understand more about themselves and others. By pinpointing possible triggers and preferences, coworkers can alter their behaviors and words to lessen conflict. Just by gaining a general understanding of the personality traits associated with each type, and by knowing what personalities you work with, you can find solutions easier and communicate better on a one-to-one level. For instance, if the MBTI reveals that the person you share an office with is an ISTJ, just keeping your desk tidy and making sure you always complete tasks that involve them, in a timely manner, could facilitate a much stronger relationship.

4. It can improve Communication

Every personality profile communicates a bit differently. Masterminds and Thinkers tend to have very direct and blunt communication. They are not rude, they just don’t have much time for flowery language and don’t see the point in it. Performers might want to talk your head off, and Counselors may ask questions that make you uncomfortable. Again, they are not being rude, they just don’t take things at face value and are looking for more meaning and connection.

Learning to adjust your communication based on your coworker’s preferences can increase efficiency and lead to a more friendly work environment. We all know good communication can decrease conflict, improve workflow, and produce higher-quality outcomes. Not to mention, that it greatly decreases the amount of stress associated with a group project or collaboration when everyone is on the same page. Remember that some personality profiles may prefer written communication and some may want verbal. For instance, open communication is very important to a Provider, and they will want it face-to-face. On the other hand, just send the Inspector a formal email.

5. It helps supervisors formulate more effective teams.

In today’s workforce, group projects and teamwork are the name of the game. However, when you get too many personalities together, or traits that don’t inherently mesh, it can be hard to get anything done. Get two Champions and a Supervisor together and ask them to finish a project. They are likely to have a power struggle over who should be in charge and who’s ideas are the best. Either nothing will get done, or there will be a disjointed final product with 3 stressed-out people at the end. It’s a recipe for disaster! While pairing a Visionary with a Craftsman and Supervisor gives a much more balanced team and will most likely produce a higher quality product with less controversy throughout the process.

6. It forces Introspection

Most of us have no idea why we are the way we are. We don’t have a good handle on our own emotions or our behaviors, especially in light of how others might perceive them. 16Personalities forces the test taker to analyze themselves. If taken seriously and the results studied, the assessment can help provide valuable insight to a person on how their own brain works. This, in turn, causes them to be more aware of their own reactions, in better control of their emotions, and more in tune with how others may feel or react.

7. It can help eliminate crucial mistakes.

We all have strengths and weaknesses. We all excel in certain areas. For too long, people have been asked to complete tasks that do not align with their skill set. This not only produces undue stress but also typically produces a product that isn’t up to par. By simply assessing the strengths of the team, proper assignments can be made (when possible). This will not only decrease work stress but increase yield and/or quality. Just remember that a person’s actual skill set might not line up with their personality profile, so never make assignments based solely on the 16 personality types. They should be made on an assessment of the individual’s skillset.

8. It can increase your bottom line.

Training new employees is expensive. Lawsuits are expensive. Faulty products and bad outcomes are expensive. It’s common sense that happy employees stay longer. They work harder, and they produce better outcomes. MBTI can help produce a cooperative and productive working relationship among employees. This decreases stress, builds last connections, and makes people feel valued. Employees who feel valued by their boss and coworkers and who feel fulfilled in their job duties are more likely to stay for long periods of time. They are also more likely to take ownership in the company. These two outcomes combined typically increase the quality of work on the part of that employee. Over time, keeping good employees in place and keeping them happy can help decrease your overall budget.

Why Isn’t Everyone Using MBTI or 16Personalities?

It seems like such a simple and obvious solution; Put the right people, in the right place, to do the right job, with the right partners! Why haven’t we always done this? There are probably many reasons, but not taking the time to thoroughly assess employees is perhaps the biggest problem. 16Personalities is changing that. Though it has been around for more than 60 years now, we are finally utilizing it to its full potential. Proper analysis of the 16 personality types is now being effectively used to better communication, decrease work stress and conflict, and produce higher quality products. Now that so much work is being done virtually, effective communication is more important than ever! The 16Personalities test is helping the workforce to better communicate by giving us a deeper understanding of ourselves and the people we work with!

Closing Thoughts

Personality Profiling is just one essential part of any team-building initiative. If you are interested in why teambuilding, in general, is important to your corporation, consider these 14 Statistics That Prove Teambuilding is Essential.

Effective supervisors know that a diversified set of ideas and backgrounds often increases creativity and produces excellent outcomes. Employee satisfaction is also often tied to how valued and accepted people feel at work. Check out our guide on Why Diversity In The Workplace Is Essential and find out all you need to know to improve your work environment today!

Let us know in the comments if you have instituted MBTI or 16Personalities into your workplace.

Frequently Asked Questions

What benefits are there to using 16Personalities in the workplace?

Understanding the 16 personality types can change the way we look at communication, team building, and conflict resolution in the workplace.

Is 16Personalities worth instituting at work?

While the MBTI and the 16Personalities test should never be used to qualify or eliminate someone for a job, understanding the 16 personality types can help facilitate a more effective work environment.

What are some ways to improve workplace communication?

Communication is key to any efficient work process. Consider using personality tests as a tool to gauge the best communication methods, then plan a team-building event to help employees bond!

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How Understanding the 16 Personality Types Can Change the Way We Work Together (2024)
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