lt 17 Income luilnen Property THF TAMPA TIM IS, Thur.oV. Mirrh S. Gtftr)l Hiam Af 4 23 Forms Grove lonches BFTIBE HERE SMALL aitraclii hom with pa. led wall 4 yry convenience on 7 e. land NK of Tampa Some good tlliiia lieet lo help your imom.
1 sc. mm suitable for citrus, A good buy lor 116.500 rath RUPERT CAR.NES, Realtor 217 Franklin St Ph 2J9 5789 11 WdUrffr I HH it, wooo.u t)ty an awim-ti I nun nit Dal Mahty, liivn Tl MFMC lia.l Otsns IV, an treca mil utf Mabry Msoo l.tin dn 5u nt 257 7711 laka litnl dn A UKE inierettt. f.n an LAKE Miunaol. IB bull, t'f. ponh Trmt.
ttniu A Ml lamp Trttttt. Ii50 1 I I 17 lakrtn Irlr Irtt a-5 tin LEWIS RL1V HI I I.AkEFRONT tS xIW. filiti! I'aik aia. Guaa llnnay. ilSV- KllMlMO.
I a 1 ti btull 3 be.ltmim hum. TatiMMi lak SutierB yiew Ap. ointment. Ttrpsi Sprints IJ H2J lluME, kti lota, Lak Thomas, Ii ail in, rlr jiiotwtty. RIVERFRONT ESTATE A HOME of charm and heauiv with a id axpant nf rnr front in a rharming aettinf A MAMMOTH living room and dining aia.
1 hedmoms, 1 baiht, a bom tompln in yry rtiiti. A real vtlii JOE ADAMS JR 12.1 i7t 258 T7M Leslie H. Blank Realtor John F. Kennedy Blvd. aWiFc TTHii "loeoiTTl ill s.
borougli Riier, with I fronlag on 40th St 2 (tame bldgs 4 a dnen citrus trees An ideal opportunity at $1,500 with 1 1. 000 down. GertnidMitchel. Rllr 49 4120 RENT Irg. nailer tpact.
ahatlr. torn on canal Hwv 41 of LuH Sunrise Mobile Pk 49 1010 WATERFRONT DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION UNI SI ALLY roomy new 2 ttory Colonial mutt told immediately Matter PR in this 3 PR, l't hath home. 13xU' 14x24' Family rm. evrlrainf water. 1 car garage Storac areas ei-ttemely tpartous Sutpnsinglv easy trims In qualified buyer Shown by appt onlv SCHWARTZ ASSOC $77 5127 3ti4 Kennedy RKd LAKE HOVE C.I EST HOME 2't ACRES.
40 treet. rloae in ntio (iood terms. Call DEAN RE AJ.TY n-iMli ALAF1A SHORES PR CB. 2 bath rionda morn. Carport.
Utility room. Roal ramp. 100 it on water 14 ft. on black top Minutes to Tampa 113.500. Term! 11 ACRES, 450 FT ON RIVER MODERN 1 hedrm CB Outbuildings, unproved pasture land Nice thade.
Minutei to Tampa. $27,500 Terms 11 mn mice hiiitob General H' Naming iinwn, da rioting itt. rnoAmv bibk lionl hornet, 4 Bit-. l' hatha, la sni ma Phon HHN billAtrrrlt. firs Bkr Iintoi 1" 2 Northside Bargains i'tr 3 PR bain vim limt down i'r yen mi hit bain no J.
R. MYNATT, Inc. lb ALU 'ft Photi Mr tt 'NEW WATERFRONT I ii bun, tnunit ,84 'Trade In Your Equity ON THIS BEAUTIFUL LAhr.FRoNT 1 MR 2 BATH AIR CONDITIONED HOME 3006 W. Clinton St. Open Dailv 1-6 PM 112.7211 on i-Tito BARGAIN Al.t.
on acres I laige home. 1 tteitrooms 2 1 nc block riu. ut.r living loom, bedroom, amail kiUhcn. nice bain Tnre collates, ail tfotiern it i i fl building loovlo Established fiuii A cut hu.inos lor in icata, in lulling tau-e living riuartrts. modern.
2 public reslrtm I him huilil ill; 8 septic I Wells 600' nil Wl, 550" on Jatk-son Ril it in on Ave 4 0iiii, $15 1 ca.h Reining 'hone Hit 2184 HI I'M Handvman Special $100 $42.05 Mo. BR ft. 1 tile baih on lge. coiner lol About .1 old I 'lo In thnpping achnni 4 but Total low put $7i. one mist tin doting cot alt Ruth Smith, 11.18.
ve 98 4814 I. tlthet Rraltiir. 71H Armenia. Colonial "Style S100 Dn. 3 PR 1 bath about 3 'ears.
old. Mining glass miort. i.i mo. $78i0 lull Sunnytid of street, all Mr. Mrir onlv.
1 niVltl. eve liVlllJ. I. Either, Realtor. 7301 Armenia 5250" Down $80.33 Mo.
I BEDROOM, CP. like-new. In a aedion of fin hornet ndcned Call Mr veil -W R. DANIEL. REALTOR I tU'O Puffaln 877-6129: RETIRING? Here's The Answer! OIIET waterfront location on the mer.
Small lot. little yard work Close convenient to everything Modern 2 PR. CP home tikr new nice interior arrangement. Carport and covered pauo only 2 blks. to bus Owner nam all for $13,000.
Immediate possession. Terms. IF VOI' mint he ambitious we hair an extia waterlront lot next Call FLOYD RICH5RDSON ft.3391 Res Schulstad Huffman MULTIPLE LISTING RFALTOR 116 Lafavette Sl MONTHLY FXTRA nice .1 bedroom. 1 tile bath, reinent block home, about 4 year old Schools 4 shopping available.
Nice neighbors. 1 low Interest mortgage Tnial low reduced price $6,800 4 onlv $250 required down. all H77-7H21 ask Mr Chapman, if no ans dial T6-n81 Kd Rrown. Reallv. Henderson Rlvd $6950' 1.GE din rm breakfast nook.
Nice hardwood firs Near 22nd Si a a y. Flexible terms R. McMurrev.839-lS92. HOME INCOME ALMA CEIA. 3 RR home with 2 separate fum rentals.
Income slid mo Needs repair Fenced yard with shade trees. Price re duced to only $8300 Good terms. Lola Schafer, 254-2975. FHIL COOK Realtor '9500 Pf.AlTIKIL 3 BPflroom. 2 hath home with Terrazzo floors.
Mi- mi windows. Built in ranc and oven Few steps to new grade nrhnnl. $300 Down. $55 Month 32-881 3 Powell 236-2521 GRAHAM REALTY AUCTION March 1111 AM W. BURRELL LLTZ MOST unusual home on Lake Bur-rell.
3 BR, Liv. Rm. Din. rm. bath, all elec kit.
Fla rm. out-aide screened-in open patio. 2 util rms, on 1 acre. Deep well, snnnkler system, Ige open patio, carport, shrubbery on all sides of house. Bus stops in front.
Close to Kwik Chek. schools churches. Go Hwy 41 (Nebraska Ave.) 2 miles N. of Tampa's city limits. Turn east at Newbern Truck Terminal, follow our auction arrows.
TWO AUCTIONEERS COL. LUTHER D. BYNTM COL. KING SOLOMON 13129 Fla Ave. 935-8071, 233-1211 Tampa, Fla.
FEACHPARKr COR L0T7 PRES TIGE HOME. $18,000. OTTO 877-7405 I RM. house in comm. zone.
Only $8100. Some terms. Good Buy. 878-8490 Rosalea Starr 253-0148 ROBINSON -STARR REALTORS. MUST SELL" POME would cost $20,000 to build.
$:00. i- take over $5000. mort- Eaae or would take trailer in trade. 909 E. Crenshaw.
Drive by. OV. NER must sell: 3 bedroom. 2 bath, CB, equipped kitchen, carport, trees! $1500 for equity. Assume payments $80.00 mo.
Ask lor Joe Pateri 229-5151. WANT AD. Ph. 223-4911 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Ph. 935-2133 "MOONLITE .1 3 3 a 2 3 leach PMpBrtnM Inalos Reck INDIAN flock Mark lot.
Uwn, i2 lamp. INDIAN Rut hi Beat South Shot Una, drcp I a tit pa, 25JJH74. II Colere) Real Iitat HAVE 4 choice in rttiu-iy Britlihothaod in West Tallinn will aril or built tn suit For more iniormitloa, tall Mr. Nelson 24 MM'J Bros Rlty 2501 18ih WILL BUILD To suit you Your lot or mm nine in lei ut show you homes that hat alieady built. RENTAL Fum, or unfur.
Rooms or Apis BROD, REALTOR 1701 Ajv Ph 229 221 Near Othnrj8lh St. Rratonahle I i WEST TAMPA 1 BR 21 1 SI John Ph 877 5.17J, 50rN $4S MO, Hit frame Mr. Raymond 839 2121. I.I.1S13I CONSOLIDATE your billa" Inm on bill. Also repair to your houte i all Mr Irving, 2,8 $151 HMiRooM Iram 2118 he.tnut si.
Small down payment, balance like rent. 2.58 5 II I BEST PUY IN WFST TAMPA 1317 GRACE STREET Between Willow 4 Oregon TWO bedroom CBP horn on 50' lot ha been completely re. modeled. Brand new rnrmtta cabinets tn kit nw water beater, new gleaming vinyl til floors throughout: new roof and frr.hl painted intide and out tide Prued to tell now at with down and aty monthly payments. Vou can occupy in 48 bouts.
Phone 229 801. will bring key look and buy HOMES FOR SALE LOW DOWN PAYMTS U)W MO. PAYMTS SAM C. MARTINO. REALTORS 201 E.
Broadway Ph 2a 1111 THONOTOSASSA AREA NEW CB brick front, RR model home range, oven, wall furnace, ratio, util. rm carport, well 4 pump On Theresa Dr. if Fnlaom Rd. Good terms. Ml-3704 Models Now Complete PE among the first to select your new hom uj beautiful Hills.
46th 4 Chelsea Situated in a beautiful fruit grove. Choose your lol and building plan. Make nominal deposit 4 weekly payments. By the time your hom is complete, the down pavment will be trade. Move in and mak small monthly payments.
A repretentativ will he at 48th 4 Chelsea each dav from 10 AM til dark. Or call Northvtew. 552 or 935-7637 FD BOJ DINT, CONST CO $750 down njiso LGE Rm. home, a.besin siding, com pi. turn.
Elec. kit. Corner lot. Balance $t4 mo. Lots Carver.
Realtor 548-2912 $50 DOW TO qualified person Modem like new. low payments Call JOE KENNEDY. 6771h.ll or 216-4533. R. CJHtLTOS, Inc.
Realtors FOR SALE TRADE IN SPECIAL 2 BEDROOM, Florida room, kitchen. 4 living room. Clean 4 very desirable. $75 month. 689-5601.
ACRE lots near 301 and Fowler 5fl. down rJO month. Ph 932-6872. OWN THIS lovely 2 bedroom frame almost new hom on Grace St $54 per month. Call Archie, $35-2112 to see home.
THE SIMPLE WAY to fill vacant rooms, apartments, houses, anything! Ph. 223-4911. 1 7 Interne lusmess Property STORES 4 office Dl Mabrv also West Shore. JOHN TsAFFE REALTOR, 32-4024-3420 S. Dale Mabry.
DALE MABRY Property for" Sale. -16U-13 South Dale Mabry. 2 stores 4 apt. Sec owner. 114 Franklin.
14 UNIT brick apt building 10.ti0 gross on $12,500 dn. Write P. O. Box 14351. CONCRETE block hom and besoty shop.
$10,950 down. 8TS month. 98-669. LET FIRST Federal of Tampa finance your commercial Ph. 228 7551.
OWNER. 8 furnished apartments Mrs Ondrula 229 5 13. 15X10 down t750, 2 BEDROOM furnished house 1 bedroom furnished garage apartment. Income, $130 month $on down. Mortgage $73.09.
211 W. rest. 876-2357. APT Bldg. 7 units plus rooms Cash Dn.
TRAILER Park 3 acres of Riverfront Sale or trade. EFFICIENCY Apts net income $3,900 per year. Prcie $19,500. OWNERS of income property for sale please list with us WALTER STRUM BERG Olfire: 229-8594 Res: 225-6722 Pallardy-Watrous. Inc.
Realtors Rentals Loans Madison Phone 2--S94 8 UNIT BRICK APT IN HYDE PARK WALK to town. 01 erlooks pars 872-933! John White 255-0531 REALTY EXCHANGE INC BY" OWNER, duplex with 3 lots, zoned commercial. 195' frontaje by 160'. Good buy fnr right part. Call 876412.
TrfTWT-i BUl OF A LIFETIME 6 EFFICIENCY 1 over night, furn. 3 BR. 2 bath home. 2 AC. land.
Hwv. 92 Total price $19,500. $4500 bal. arranged. W.
W. RAUSCH. BROKER Hwv. 60. Brandon Ofc.
689-330 PROFESSIONAL BUILDING MODERN 3 units. Close-in. Ample prkg. Inc. $6,840 year.
No leases. C. ED OWI.NGS, REALTOR 608 Tampa St. Ph 22t-006i 2 DUPLEXES for sale by owper. 233-8981410 E.J"lora St.
RUSKIN Business building by widow, zoned C-l. 645-1816. FIXERS SPEC. SEMINOLE, 4 Apt. 2 bdrm.
good corner loc $6000.00 or offer. Small down pmts. Call Malnassy, 233-211 JVDojr ne 1 lR It y. LOOK: BY OWNER NICE up 4 down duplex. Newly decorated.
75 x130' lot. Near Gor-rie School-Hyde Park. Worth Sacrifice S8450. Ph.254-2412. "CB apts $37,380 yr inc Net $19,540 on $40,000 dn NEW 100 loc.
Air-cond, 4 heat. Swim pool, off st. parking. Cash net $1 2 .578 returns $40,000 in 3V4 yrs Mr. Whealton or Mr.
Drew. 8 fur apt $500 mo $23,500 HY. Park. Nets $2755 on $3500 dn. 8 fur apt $366 mo $18,500 HY.
PARK 1 BR apt. Sep. meters. Nets $2165 on $3500 dn. 6 fur apt $278 mo $15,500 HY.
PARK A-l cond. 1 BR apt. All rented. Nets $2034 on $3000 dn. Brick 6 Fur Apts $26,000 HYDE Pk walk to town, 1 BR apts.
$325 nets $1582 on $5000 dn. 6 fur apt $340 mo $15,000 HYDE Park. 2 2-BR. 4 1BR apts. Nets $1680 on $2000 dn.
877-6015 MR. DREW 254-3943 Frank Whealton, Bkr. Office 877-6015 res. 689-3610 607-A S. MacDill Ave.
4 UNIT frame. Very good rental section. Close in Tampa Hgts. LILLIE MICK, Broker 876-4349 17 ROOM guest house dining room seats 30. Owner 112 Mag- nolia.
2.32-0142. LOOK ALL THIS FOR CB building zoned C-l plus nice 3 BR home. Near Grand Central. DEEP WELL 4 FRUIT TREES 876-5380 Carter Realty 876-4498 Home Income Furn. Seminole.
2 Ige, liv. din. modern kitchen. Bunga-lette rented $55 mo. blk.
bus shopping. Excellent condition. Only $11,000. $1,500 dn. $75 mo.
Caii GLADYS ROPHIE 232-1 Hi JAMES D. MOTT, REALTORS 4014 Florida Ave. Ph. 236-5959 LOVELY 3 BRS 1V2 BATHS NICE APT. A FINE large family home in top condition in desirable Seminole section near Florida Ave.
bus and stores Spacious living room, separate dining room, modern equipped kitchen) 1 and tile baths, 3 good size bedrooms, plus a nice family room plus a houseful of good furniture plus a 2 car garage with furnished apartment above for extra income-Priced to sell for only $14,750 with good terms Call Mr. Hover-ter today 229-8058 or 832-8463. Kittner Realty Insur. 'Realtors Lqfaveft Tnstirnfs 14 1 Geaerol $100 $64.75 Mo. CH BR.
I', hiti i in? mi- fl Lot 7itIU IIIMKV-3H ti i'l mlu Noithwei town lul nil Amit-nia noli Mi, tir Hft Whealltin Pkr 07 A M.i. Hill Forest Hills $450 Dn. Hillt ttntion Kicrllt-nt fant Hv l-attr luine im. ilin i in It II. 2 huh.
Into in Hit, tt rrrncil talio lile ttntl. taritttrt f'nta Hi.Otln HI A If rm or bin riiuitt Hi2 iiMimi Hr HRINti. RFAl luH LAKE TIME AGAIN 2 l.ft i A conaue fum Air-t ttntl attic tan, tcienetl pitit 2i min nom downtown tl0. ion mi inn MR MICMSKF.R Hi M'K HFAI IV HJ.i-4.lH1 EARLY AMERICAN BK l'i hlh. Ha rm drapea I aipc-lt, I II 4 Al 11 1 ICackhiiin.
Rllr 8.12 M4J A NFvV, latl. no tttmmittion wav to but lent- trade -travel. Furn hnme or mobile hornet Self Sfrif AKi'rt Nebtatka Ave, corner Hem Retirement '31-WATFRHtUNT HOME BARGAIN OVSNI-H is 1 HANsKFRRFD PFOHOoMS 3 BATHS 2 ar ealat'e immiinil (Msn deluxe color TV I Hl new home in the Suntet l'ik area wiin new lurnithinca ttpicM-nit an invetiment of and it prued at 8 2 i ll M.tx Hmwnttem 172 0408 ne. RFvi.iY Kxrmr.K ixr. Beautiful INDIVIDUAL HOMES 4 4 BR 2 LOVFLY BATHS AMU RMS Sep Inning Rmv HH DETAILS LAKE, or Hooded Lola.
Carport l.aniNi aping lnt lutled Sewers. SEE MoDFl.S TODAY rom 1 1 4. 250 Lake Morley Terrace Fla to 150th, Follow Sicnt 1102 Hardv Drive 9.32 0700 GANDY AREA MONTH 70x150 FT LOT PANELED FLORIDA ROOM MOVE IN THIS WEEK ALL 877 1 3M GOLFVIEW AREA IX3VELY CBS 3 Bedrooms. 1 baths. LR fireplace.
DR. Kitchen, Familv room, detached garage and maid room and hath. Central heating Built in oven and range, dishwasher, refrigerator Fenved back yard. For appt. to inspect call MRS.
BROWN 223-4771 or DAVIS ISLANDS OPEN BAY THE price has just been re-riurori and thts ma cnif icenl 2 story home can now he pur- I chased at a price far less than i's replacement value. There are .3 spacious bedrooms and 2 baths on the second floor and on the first floor there is an attractive Foier. Lee. LR Modern Kitchen. Fla.
room and Den that could be used for 4th PR. plus full bath. Additionally there is a 2 far garace. maid's room and bath 4- utility room. Shown by appt.
Exclusive listing. 22.3-4771 ELLEN HOBBS 159-0821 This Lovely Little Lady MUST SELL her lovely little home. She is afraid we might sell it to someone that is not so fussy about a real homey place with beautiful landscaped yard. 18 citrus trees, avocados, lge oaks, azalias. camelias.
on hih double corner lot. Close to market, transportation, churches. She built it with select materials 30 yrs. ago and it looks like new inside, so clean. Completely furnished to yard tools.
Nice overhead garage door. 2 lge. BR. Den. nice DR and kitchen.
Only $8,500. Y'nu must see it if you can finance. Nehraska 4- N. Bav area. 223-4771 Dixie Matthews 237-4951 INC.
Realtors 303 Franklin St. 3235" Fountain" PRESTIGE home. 4 BR. DR. Fla.
bit in carpet, db. garaee. Sw pool, lg. corner lot, plenty of shrubs. MABRY, RICE 4 BORING.
INC. Reators Ph 229-8088 $50 down. $50 mo. Bal. $5300 2 BR.
14926 Pinecrest. Needs minor repairs. Owner 877-1301. NEARCAUSEWAY $60 MO BR frame, screened porch. 2008 Flakier.
Pay 1 mo. move in. Also 2 CB home 4506 W. Cass. $tin mo.
4 4504 W. Cass. 3 $75 mo. Also 9313 4 9309 N. AN banv.
3 2 baths, $80 mo. Call 229-3103. 1006 Tampa St. Han- kins. Realtor.
1.324 W' HIAWATHA SMALL CB home on nice cor. lot. Fix it up. $3950 cash. Wackerman Realtor 878-6517.
834-7083. "11,750 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY $350 Down, $75 Mth. BR 1 Bath Kitchen equipped Brand New. 2607 W. Kirbv.
236-2521 932-8813 REDLIN HOMES ADVERTISEMENT 10402 N. 26th St. MODEL" 3,850 Lot Includes Principal, Interest and Mortgage In3tiranc Medallion Home Miami Type Awning Windows Luminous Ceiltna in Bath Snack Bar in Kitchen SKYLINE HOMES fROSI Tl Tarrtw Hiflivay. aerth 201 St. ts Bsufaa-villas At.
0 af 1 General COMPLETELY FURNISHED Bf At lU't. 3 BR I baih. with rnilo.ed completely aluf-toed, with litrtime whila III All new built-in Fnijidair luipment. In bianilon ail Ml 1217 WHY RENT? HAVE vnu 1100 and fond rredit then let tell ou a hum in beautiful Hi amino luni nur 'M modelt. Honda Modern Huildeta, Inc.
on JO I STOP! P4YING rent1 Buy i Hra bathi, kit. equip tcrr. flra. 1100 160 mo, I.K.DO REALTY Janet Trour Ph. 171-0145 NO QUALIFYING' LOW down and take nter CR brick home.
PR and 1 bath Laige kitchen and extras WIRY BAVA REALTY Phone Of 87lt.hH87 BRIARWOOD Air Conditioned, Three Bedroom. 2 Bath Home MASTER bedroom suite aenarateri from others. I ALL DELUXE APPOINTMENTS TILE ROOF DOl' RLE CARPORT CIRCLE DRIVE KITCHEN AND MUCH. MUCH MORE On a Beautiful Tree Shaded Lot BROWN. Inc.
Call 935-53S4 $150 DOWN, large 1 bedroom, 2 hath. corner Phone lot. 2207 W. Ohio Aie 877-26'i5 WINSTON PARK .1 BR CB 2 bath rent option ADA MO ACRES ph. 78th St.
BROWN. Inc. 935-5354 Price Lowered $800' BEAUTIFUL Early American home. .1 2 baths, separate dining rm 4 breakfast rm. Enclosed garage.
ED L. BOLDING CONST CO. 935-7637 935-3594 3 BRs with 1 attic fan, wall-to-wall carpet in liv. rm. 2 Ise.
lots. FHA appr $13,500. 236-5521 JERKIN'S Res. 2.32-6503 BEL MAR REALTY 6504 Fla Ave. 3 LARGE rooms, with bath, partlv furnished, large lot.
well water, equity $800. Will take car. boat, camp trailer, or what have you. Balance about $3300, at $40 per month. Immediate possession.
855-4576. 9816 Parsons St. 3 BEDROOMS, carport, newpaint, $51.75 per month, low down pay- ment. HA mortgage. 4i(M Murray Hill Dr.
Call 876-6280. $7000 NICELY furnished 2 br. frame asb. sided bzy 4 garage in Seminole part cash will do $6450 frame easy terms 2 br. floor furnace new paint nut side Linebaugh sec 234-1341 STEVENS REALTY 6824 Florida SUNSET PARK l93 INCLUDES PRINCIPAL.
J'J Owner Must Sell NEWLY painted house with 2 lots nr. Four Oaks Rd Make own trms. 233-3091 932-6608. NEAR TAMPA ELEC. HERE is a home YOU have got to see, it might be SOLD when YOU call.
CB home clean as a pin 2 BR. 12 baths, sep. din. room. 1g.
TV room, patio very large, heat 4- A unit. cor. lot. lg. garage.
Excellent value. Priced at FHA Appraisal only $12-200. 876-3118 Dick Holmes 253-3824 DALE MABRY-HENDERSON DELUXE CUSTOM BUILT CBS. Large liv. room, lg.
kit. equipped, Fla. room, golden oak floors, attached garage patio huge dbl. cor. property, deep well 4- sprinkler system.
DOWN. SEE NOW. 876-3118 Gladys Rogers 254-0501 RIVERGROVE ESTATES OWNER gone-MUST SELL. 1 2 bath CB 4 Brk. huge family room, attached garage, fenced yard.
Citrus trees $18,000 FHA terms or purchase equity 4 assume 4'j mortgage. CALL NOW: 236-2211 Dorothy Hamilton 876-3118 AL GREEN, REALTOR Complete Real Estate Sales Service Member MLS 3636 Henderson Blvd. 876-3118 SLNSET PARK AREA BEAUTIFUL CB 4 Ant. Brick home 3 BRS. l1 Baths, ent.
foyer, equipped kit carpeting, Fla. rm. 4 screened patio. EXCELLENT CONDITION price has just been REDUCED below FHA appraisal. THIS IS A STEAL.
ANNIE MARY HAND 876-8409 BOPP 'n' HAND, INC. 1216 Bav to Bay 835-1851 Real Solid Comfort THIS New Home of Distinction, overlooking Golf Course, has 3 BR; 2 baths built-in vanities 4- inclosed tub 4 showers: Built-in kitchen: Central heat A C. I have the key and will show- anv time. EDNA LANG Res 876-7315 BEE REALTY Inc. 4239 Henderson Blvd.
872-9363 BEACH PARK SWIMMING POOL HOME. 3 BR, bath home on beautifully landscaped tree shaded lot. All electric Fla. Rm. fireplace.
Cent, air Dbl. ga- 877-5829 EVELY'NE DREW 835-2705 FOREST HILLS BEAUTIFUL I BR. CB. Oak white tile roof, 32 ft. swimming pool patio, redwood fence enclosure.
Extra lge. lot. FHA financing $750 Dwn. 935-0750 LOR E.N A GOUGH 935-6642 DREW REALTORS 1905 Henderson Blvf! tiTtn Ave 877-5829 9i5.n7io Temple Terrace Area MORE l.K UKI rtnttft (ban 5A per nto lavrt 4 tntiiiant im luned our hou of hornet 3 tMHHoontt, 1 1 It. taiixiitt, utility tnttltlt Hih bit with llet Tn in.iml tall Hvntv krnnrrit DAMKI REALItiR P.tllalo 2i 2MI A BIG onr on 3 Iota, 3 hedtAottt.
baiht 4 Blieiwr Av. ('Hunt limr Bl YS IJsou etuiiy in lue air-coml home Bett loc 4.1? Rnr Hill. Tein Ter9MI-tM4 onlv $100 down IM MONTHLY BUY WR On laiue div lol near ritv hut NEW RANGE 4 KrHUGEHAltiR an be added tn mtg it detiied M.l.FN REALTY 17121 Invtime MODERN-MASONRY LG LOT-S500 DN ON' a beauliliil lare fenced in lot Weil of Armrnia. North of (rand (enltal (k floatt, tile baih, modem kitchen, good twe bedrotimt Plus a verv lame caiport and Patio Priced at nnlv 1450 with good lei mt all 22 today. Kistner Realty Insur, Realtor! 213 I ataiette Inwinrt BIG TREES CORNER LOT .1 RR.
l'i baih CB home Has fenced yard, port, boa i port, eat-in elec kit. Priced at FHA appr'l of Let ui ahnw you Jtml F. St totlav. CHARTER REAL ESTATE CO, Realtor Fie 8H-985I TEMPLE TERRACE trantlerrrd from this shady, convenient location School Goll C'ourte 4 Stiopping within a lew blocks .1 HKi 2 baiha. Family room, garage, creened patin, tile rool, hard, wood floota.
awning windows, lullv air conditioned. Ken Lightfoot, Realtor 9-J57 Solh Street Ph 988-2797 4 2 Baths. Pool FHA TERMS. NO CLOSING COSTS THIS loiely CB home with built in lealures. acreened in pool 4 patio, in beautilul SW tectlon can be bought lor IH.onfl $700 dwn.
$105 mo. includet principal. Interest, taxes 4 Insutance For more info, call MRS. ROSEMAN, tre. DANFORTH REALTY 4.100 S.
Dale Mabry 839-3377 100 rvf Save ONLY $42 2fl mo. 1 BR CB. 1 tile hath, about 4 years old Walk tn school, bus 4 shopping Only $72oo. Call Pauline Bergin. 93.Vll.ii eies 834 1972 L.
Fisher. Realtor. 73tU Armenia Aie "PALMA CEIA MUST SELL this spacious 4 love-Iv 2 hdrm. CB home Ice liv din. rm all carpeted, modern kit.
built in nven 4 range 4 din. area, air cond big utility rrm 4 workshop lot IDEAL for retirees or beginners EASY TO BUY- dn FH A or assume mlge MRS. WHITE -253-OK91 or 836-7211. COLE COLE REALTORS EXCH ANGORS 20.1 Hide Park Ave Quaint Charming THIS is a most unusual home on beautiful Davis Island It is a 2 story. Featuring: Loiely Living room with a Fire plate A charming little separate dining room Equipt kitchen Floor furnace Screened porch and bath down stairs Upstain it has 2 lovely Bedrooms and full bath ade quate air-condition for I house The price of ooo includes an extra beautiful land-scaped lot Call me lor appointment tn see MBI.E WING-FIELD Off.
872-9271 Res 833 0902 THRIFTY FOLKS SEE this five room modern masonry home Nothing to painl or fix. It's spotless. $60 per month pais everything Shown dav or night. Call AL RITTMAN 872-9271 res. 839-1170 MOLTON, ALLEN WILLIAMS, Realtors 4249 Henderson Blvd.
872-9271 A NICE BRICK HOME 11x28 FLORIDA room, 1 bdrms 2 car garage LOW TAXES, large lol. Come see what vou get for $17,500 Call Hester Bonacker. 876-3121, eve. 370.1 HORATIO A NICE comfortable 2 hdrm home. Low taxes and a convenient location.
No qualifying, very good terms Call Hester Bonacker. 876-3121. eve. 831-8051. RUEL W.
SHUMATE EALTORS ASSOCI ATES 876-3121 3610 Swann Avenue Want Ad Ph. 223-4911 Homes Area 2 TO BUY or sell Davis Islands Properties call "The Ladv of the Island" Vicki, 255-2281. Handling Davis Islands property exclusively for R. T. BROD, REALTOR 1701 Nebraska Ave.
Ph. 229-2261 JUST RIGHT FOR GROWING FAMILY FUNCTIONAL floor plan, roomy. Priced right, terms, flexible. Call 257-4911 or 255-6321 ROY YATES Realtor Appraiser New Multiple Listing 85 MARTINIQUE PRESTIGE home. Perfect condition.
View of Bay. 3 BR (could be 41. Oversize Fla. room plus large screened lanai. Good financing.
251-1160 MAE MABRY 832-2331 Keune Keune REALTORS A M.O. 236 E. Davis Blvd. 251-1160 Homes Area 3 PALMA CEIA LARGE 4 BR, with Fla. room, separate dining room, hardwood floors, 4'? mortgage or refinance.
3008 Sitios Call for appt. 689-1217. or eves. 689-2681. 3 LARGE bedroom, 2 bath masonry.
Fenced yard. 2 blocks elementary school. $35 on VA 41? per cent mortgage. Will finance equity. 4507 S.
Hale. 839-3482, owner. BEACH PARK BUILDING 2 large 3 4 4 Bedroom homes on Beach Way Drive. For information Call Charles Ricketts, Builder. Ph.
877-7307. NEAR MACDTTX NEARLY new 2 4 3 BR. homes. Immediate occupancy. No qualifying or closing costs.
ALSO GOVERNMENT HOMES AS LOW AS $100 DOWN. AL WORLEY, Inc. REALTORS Ph. 836-3691 5246 S. Dale Mabry PALMA Ceia, near Plant By owner spacious, redecorated 2 bedrooms, Florida room, appliances, fenced yard, $350 down.
2.36-2823. $100 D.N. NO QUAL. OWNER-4701 KENSINGTON 877-6014 ACANT 3 bedroom. Large screened porch.
4726 Leila. Buy equity and assume mortgage of $49.25 per month at 4'-2 per cent or refinance FHA with $300 down. Call owner, 831-5573. 3 BEDROOM, 2 baths. aTr7 carpeted, fenced, comer, $1400 down.
876-3783. 2 LARGE frame apartment houses, corner. Reasonable price. Terms 229-2142. 4S3I SAN JOSE LOVELY 3 3 bath Cape Cod.
Formal family lge. kit. w-built-in dbl. c'port. Plenty of storage.
Air-cond. CHARLES BOYER, REALTOR 876-2840 Eve. 832-5591 HYDE PARK 4 BR (2 up, 2 downl, bath, immaculate on inside. Modern built-in king-size breakfast, central heat, spacious. $18,500.
Res. 876-6611. HARRIS SWALM RLTY. 876-5462 6 Y'R. old CB home w-builit-in din.
rm 2 BRs. Fla. rm. 4 double c'port. In excel, cond.
near Britton Plaza. $400 177 mo. Call me today to see. ORV STOKES Eve. 836-8231 Montgomery, Realtor Marlll Ph 8311011 Duplex In Seminole COMPLETELY fum.
On deep shady lol I blk. from Honda Ay Owner occupied 1 1 mean II is rated lor It has I I bath, nit i living kit 4 dining rm, combination in eai unit, owner antuiua, 11 the rent buy you a home, lolal $75m. Iliixt dn $50 mo all BUtNIt RlsllnP JI2-728I M. Swain, Realtor Tii iitS II Commercial-Industrial Highway 60 Frontage PRU ED from $40 per front ft Mntl nv an. Also other com-mertial property in Brandon Se Jo Tanner, Mgr.
Brandon Piamh (Kin. Weeks Farnsworth Co. REALTOR rhon 8-Jt2 or 2293011 CORNER NEAR A AS PROS SITE tR FT Priced Right, Terms 872 9111 John Munt 87 7391 REALTY EXCHANGE IV S.E. Cor. Dale Mabry And Cypress 245 600' Plus LOCATED 2 block of Fx-pretsway on Tampa I centrally-itaielled highways Zoned CI.
this tract is ideal for lrg motel, aupermarket or many oiher ues. Wards is 4 block north of tbi tract. For aale. Irate, or will sell part Kxcluttv listing. Call JOHN s.
MITCHELL LESLIE H. BLANK Realtor 111 John r. Kennedy Bhd. LET FIRST rederal 'of TimM I vour commercial buildings Ph. 228 7551 LOTS A D.I 4, CENT EW ST.
JOSEPH HOSPITAL. NF corner Buftin 4 Hahana Good for buimett. Doctor's olc. convalescent hom or apartment altei. Mr Brooks ph.
877 028 AIIOST l'i acre. 378 on Shadow-lawn 4 1i9' fleep. Has old. lge. hoot.
Rented at present time Prir teas Mak offer all Ripple. 237.661 D. MOTT. REALTORS 4014 Honda Ave Ph. 2J8-V59 128x240' HWY-RARGAIN SWY BLVD.
L'S 41 Bus. Out of City Onlv $0 ft Some terms Prim' Realty Ph. SnoxleO' with 1 1 I I 4.118 Tyson Aye. Call 836-6191 RIVERFRONT 15 acres, suitable for auhdivision or apartments Near new St Joseph Hoaptlal, of Buffalo Bridce. HM.OnO.
PhonelrT7 DREW PARK -Ml. 3 tots." building lloo ft cement floor. Terms. 4Q2 Bufialo Ave 4 UiTS. $1V0.
CommT Terms I LOT. $1250 CommT Termt. 4 IXiTS with Re. CommT Terms. MASON.
Broker. 40J4 Alia NEBRASKA AVE. 4 Temple" Terrace, or. roned C-l 4 l. A few bldgs Reasonable price.
hopkins 4 Hopkins realty 1Q302 Nehraska 932 7115, 932 85 ATTENTION DOCTORS LOOKING FOR LO ATIONS FOR MEDICAL ENTER WE HAVE them: 150x120 ft. Deleon $38,500 ft Blvd. $40 ooo 92x116 ft Swann $1 500 75x150 ft Swann 000 LAW RFN'( E. BROEFFLF Olc 251.1160 Res 4J-iV; Keune Keune REALTORS 236 Davis Rlvd A 2-51UM Want Ad Ph. 223-4911 It Motol Hofl REASON: Ieath in family.
Hwv. 41. in Tampa. Modern 10 units Utility, living quarters. 100 air conditioned, electric heating 2 comers 3 streets.
Room for expansion. Year around business. Bv appointment. 234-0214 fjool OR unencumbered CB home as down pavment on 3 unit motel-Owner 7602 Nebraska Ave. 20 Florida Real Estate SUBDIVISION 360 Acre Waterfront 211 WATERFRONT.
Upland IMf, 90 Acres unplatted. Yacht Club. Shopping Center Site Unsurpassed lower West Coal lo-ration A sellout of over Price $400,000 Low. Low Cash requirement Long Terms. Fd Markham, KEY REALTY 157 Harding Circle, Sarasota.
Fla. Avoa Park BEDROOM CB. lot 150x130. $4,500. Terms.
Tampa 677-6509. Chassahowitiko BEST fishing area in Florida. near Chassahow itjka R'ver. large I lots only $495. $10 down.
$10 per I month Henri Dingus. Jr Real-tot. New Port Richev, Fla. Ph 849 2251, Open Sundavs. i Homosassa Springs ACRES next Hnrne's 2 miles south of the Springs Ideal trailer rrun loc'1.
tww. 1" oown, balance over 5 years acres same terms tiulf Highway-Land P.O. Box 193, Phone 795-3292. Lake Tsala Apopka WATERFRONT LOT $695 FOR homes cottages- trailers $7 00 Down $7 00 Month V.AL ENTERPRISES I 41 So. Inverness 726-2401 Now Port Richey 5 A.
Close to Hwy. 52. restricted for that Ranch home Horses etc. No trailers. Only $2750.
$300 dn. Bal. $25 per mo Henry Dingus Realtor. New Port Richev, Ha. PH.
849-2231. Open Sundays. 11 Waterfront Lots $800 OWNER says sell for $8800 cash. Worth $1300 each. New houses across street.
Citv water, paved streets, electric. Overlooking gulf. See Henrv Dingus, realtor, New Port Richey, Ph 849-2251. Open Sunday. Oldsmor A-U-C-T-l-O-N March 14th 11 A.M.
333 Country Club Rd. OLDSMAR 4 BR. Patio, Pool Home Col. Charles Moyer FLA'S LEADING AUCTIONEER 1003 16th St. St.
Pete. 862-5518 Peace River Valley PEACE RIVER Acres Vs acre $69i. 00. It's nice brochure, Box Fort Ogden. Plant City 18 high, dry, commercial or residential, right off Interstate 4.
$1000. acre. Owner, 752-7798. Weeki Wachee Springs Waterfrt. Retreat $3995 LOCATED Weekiwachee Springs area.
Completely new, nice lot. fishing, swimming. Only $500 down, $35 per mo. Henry Dingus New Port Richey. Phone 849-2251.
Open Sun. Withlocoocheo HOLIDAY Shores. Adjoin! Game Reserve on Withlacoochee River. Wooded Lot $395 up. SR 476 betw.
US 41 4 301, Nobleton. Fla. HUNTING and fishing paradise. 525x150' on water. Beautiful and secluded wooded campsite.
$2995. F. Avanzini, Rt 1 Box 117-B, Inverness, Fla. 726-1864 SECLUDED waterfront and wooded lots. Fellow trail north from river bridge at Nobelton, Florida on State Road 476.
Summers Real Estate. Pinellas Park, 544-8829. 60x140 TRAILER lot," water, elee septic hook up. $645. $150 dn.
$10 mo. access to river front park. TEN RIVERS REALTY 489-2071 4 ml. W. of Dunnellon on S.R 488 23 Farm Grove Ronches FARMS 4 ACREAGE Suwannee County, Paul A.
Byid, Reg. Bkr. 4 S. Ohio. Live Oak.
Florida. RANCH. Sell or trade ia Manatee County. $200 acre. Lease with op-tion to hut.
Box 83. Bradenton Ltncoln-Grav Area $400 Mo. FHA OR AKE AMI Of tm: Finn 7 Hit. 1 hain horn L.ise I. ii Ida room Km II it) range l.aifv retiuciainr 4 Mhr tuioi lute Fntloied palio Sua Ut It IM I I PANt I'M AY HI 11 In DAY! I'hont ITaUnaJ, C.
Gart'ia Rudy Kersey, Realtor 4014 Kennedy Blvd. Hamti Ara I (nl-tiNIM. 1 bedroom houa plus gurat ii. mi Praulituliy lanuat'aprd, aftolflf Itoaltl, etc BEDROOM. I BATH WITH ccOllal drat 4 k.trd garag 4 while tile, do laifa hit, emit 7 blmks tiom CHAM BFRLaIV HIGH Phone WW 1217 SACRIFICE lars heditm." CB houte Very m-at Call 2914 W.
SLIGH AVE." Beautiful New Home 11190 OR OFFER Mutt "II in ettl Al l. 9.11-ltM OH I77 2IH 3 IIFIilliKiNt CB leoced yard $i40 ciuii) Low nionm, amrnu 76-K17 IDEALLY LOCATED LOSING nut aur 1 models in Fmhanted lake Fiiate 3 PR, 2 hatht 1 .1007 Monet Dr. $11 Monaco Dr Minuirt away from at hooli Sf Induttrial Park, thnpiung 1 In tertlate 75 Turn Fatl off Florida Ave on Reitta In North Bld Weekdaii tall I77-H77 Hammer Puildinr. Inc. Open Sal 4 Sun I SEE THESE COMPLETED MODELS 4 1 UNDER CONSTRICTION Priced fiom 11.1.500 tn $17,900 Ralston Beach Manor 1 blk of Sligh W.
of Habana 9IS8M9 Site! 877 2148 5'pFDHtKiM $2M mv enuity. A. turn $59 monthly payments 877-1M4. French Colonial NEW 4 Sparkling "joned' IVugn 3 Hits 2 Rathi. Paneled Entry 4 Family Rm Huge Living Room.
Enchanting Kit Palis, Carport, Tall Trert. 75' Ijnd. raped Lot. Ideal setting for 1 harming horn. $97 TOTAL MO.
Pymt. LAKEFRONT MO. See These Today Lake Morley Terrace Fla Ae to Bearts, turn Left 149i8 Hardy Dr W. 932 0700 ROOMS GALORE 4 HAVE BARGAINITIS Here Is the perfect remedy. This 4 BR.
2 baih Contemporary Home is ideal for the growing family with a small puise SITUATED on I tree shaded street this long, low modern hat a Fietdtone front that is different 4 a I RVFD DRUE leading to the carport. FORMICA cabinet! 4 a built In range-oven in the kitchen 4 a Rl STIC REDWOOD FENCED BACK Y'ARD for the children THIS loveiv new home is located in FLORAL GARDENS, tn north Tampa with more than "120 Satisfied Home Owners." New schools, shopping, and a stone 1 throw from the new I S. 75 (now tinder construction 1. VA no dwn FHA $400 dwn full price $13,000 Entrance to FLORAL GARDENS 145th 4 Florida Ave L. J.
Michaelson, Bldr. 95 9172 or 258 1261 Eve. Appt 935-0280 AVAIL A RLE CARROLLWOOD WONDERFUL Inability for the larger family in this handsome traditional home' 4 TtRs 2 bths liv rm. Sep din fam. adj.
kit. htkt'st. bar. Quarry tile entry 4 fover. Carpeting.
Mr and Mrs utility rooms tboth PIC. 1 Covered patio. Lifetime roof Total A cent, healing 4 cooling. SUNSTATE SALES CORP 103fl N. Dale Mabrv 935 3174 IF YOU TRE ASURE TIME, save lots of it by solving problems through Classified ads! Area 4 129TH AVE.
near Nebraska. 2 bedroom frame. CB foundation. $5600, S20C down. $50 month.
988-1761. REMODELED. 2 bedrooms, dining. Florida room. Large kitchen, oak floors.
Tile bath Must see tn appreciate. Call 932-9081, 935-2619. NO OUAL. $100 DN. OWNER NICE 3 BR.
HOME 877-6013 4210 S. SANDLEWOOD CIR. BRIARWOOD. no qualifying, owner. AC, all 932-7737.
WE BUY EQUITIES KARL S. FANTLE REALTOR 2601 Temple Terrace hwy. 835-2175 IDEAL retirement home. 1 bedroom, l'-i baths. 10003 Arden Ave.
Linebaugh C. L. BROWN, Inc. LET'S TRADE FOR NEW HOME 'IN BRIARWOOD J35-5354 DON'T MISS THIS COZY 3 BR. frame $6500, $60 mo.
Cor. 36th St. 4 Deleuil Stop in W. BILLINGS. Bkr.
689-4107 "PRICE $13,350 FHA APPRAISAL $15,000 OWNER transferred, must sell this immaculate 3 BR, 2 bath home. Has family rm. fireplace, sep din. area. elec.
kit. Located on a nicely shaded lot. Call for appt. to see. 4422 E.
ADJACENT TO INT. NO 4 4 WITHIN 1 MILE OF U.S. RT. 301 1- 41. 5.
TWO FURNISHED MODELS OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. 'TIL DARK. PHONE 626-1341 Fickling 4 Walker Dey Co. BIdrs. NO qualifying: move in immediately 3 Br.
lge. cor. lot. S63 mo. Ph.
231-6371, after 5, 626-6491. 2 BEDROOM lor retirees or couple. Living room, big kitchen 4 bath PLUS large front porch. Call for showing. Call 257-4911 or 255-8321 ROY YATES Realtor-Appraiser $1950.
3 BR. $500 dn. 1310 E. Cayuga. Grable, Realtor.
833-4101. Homes Area 8 $100 dn. Mod. 3, 4 BR homes 1023 S. 78th St.
626-3712-626-1268 Harry or Florence Shelley E. $100 DOWN', $58 MONTH 3 KIT. EQUIPT. ADAMO ACRES REALTY 626-3602 12 Waterfront Properties ENJOY LAKE LIVING LAKE LOTS, priced from $2500 with very low down payments. CANAL LOTS, priced from 11395 with excellent terms, ACRES, 345 feet lake frontage, $12,500.
5 ACRES. 2 bedroom CB home, $17,500, good terms. MADELINE E. PRINCE. Realtor Ph.
Tampa 949-1444 Land O' Lakes On U.S. 41 N. OLD Tampa Bay Private beach, boat dock, three bedroom custom. air conditioned, heated, sprinklers. carport, garage, toolroom, $39 500.00 Owner 877-1029.
ON Keystone Lake. Lot with cabin. $10,500. cash, a I a $60 jti. 935-3266, Alaiia River Front SEAWALL CB.
home, nice for weekend retreat or permanent home. $8500 takes all. Terms. GREAT AMERICAN RLTY CORP 3403 P'e Mahrv 819-3338 CITRUS pruning. Ire Call 19 18 F-alimat 4 ACHES.
i Oianges. i-i Imprmed Pasture, Rlatilnn Soil, 'l Mil from Arcadia, Trims, P.O. Bog Ml, Phone WA 8-874S FLPoW ROOM ACRES. 2tK1 lert on I', 41. neal 2 hett oom collage, ITm, terms I AC PES, S.
Lull, 1 PR, CR hnmr, pond, arcludrd, letmt 30 ACRES, about 20 acrei good citrus land, 3 pond. 16.5f1, terms MADELINE, PRINCE, Realtor ph Tamp 949-1444 Ijnd O' Lakes Oil JJ JL 41N, GROVES. Warm Indian River Area, Top Quality. Young or Ma-tine, 40 Acres or mar, ash or Tetmi Cecil A. Clapp Inr.
62 4813 Ukeland. Bog 2495 40 A PRODUCING Orange Grove, 29 down John rrfn.nav. realtor 124VMatn SI Lakeland, 15 A( RE TRACT APPROX 12 arrea in I yr. old mange grove, Hamlin. Haa 3 shack, swill creek on property, beautiful building site Terms $15-0750 VIRGINIA SNIPES DREW REALTORS 11710 Fla Ave.
93Sn75n SPECIALIZE in of mature 4 young grnvee Contact tn buy or sell a grov. Chai Clew is. Realtor 244 121 1 WantAdP22349li 24 Acreoqe 3 ACRES. I mile Irom USE. on Skipper Peat cash otter II.
dry. 170 a 1, 1, miit Brandon School. Owner. 252-432 Bill's Better Buys I Acre tracts, Terms $lr5 Arte tracts Terms 7Vn 10 A tracts Terms I 1.5O0 40 A. Pasco CP hom 2l.nri 6 A for hores 2 PH.
$165nn A Impr Pahia Fenced i7.nno 38 A 132 in groiel $110,000 BILL LAV, LEY REALTOR Phone $T(M Vie or 932 7214 Dale Mahry "Close In Acreage" ADJOINING Temple Terrac. on the West, near the river and River Hills Drive, front paved St 4 acrei 250 15 ra. Pal $100 mo Ph 229-2201, Fx-clusiie sgent. Hankins Realty ZONE IS ACRES on Buffalo near Routes o. 1 4 4 a Arch 2 $95 dn.
$15 "mo 1 ACRE nr. Erltch Rd. $100 dn. 4 ACRES 1 roads $i0, $600 dn 5 ACRES Kenton Psrk $4 mo 10 ACRES keittnne Park KM Res Ph 323; 920-58 3 REALTY 877 197 113 ACRES NEAR 56TH ST 25O0 FT. ON fowler Avenue.
Out of town owner wants quick s'e Exclusive. all BILL 2T 7409 SMOAK PROS REALTORS 725 lfaiette St. 5 ACRFS Cleared well ACRES North-High-Tree A( KFi-fjst-j. Dn. 10 ACRFS-Clnse Wooded 120 AC RES Cleared $195 Acre Call PALMER SMITH.
223-375 B.X5-tnai. McSwain, Realtor REAL PI YS LOSE IN OR ACRFS WITH TRFFS Call MR GARDNER 8'2-OIH A LM A LT 9 tf-lin 1 3 GOOD BUYS ACRES near Fowler C-3 ACRES. Adamn Drive 10 A ZephvrhiHt, agriculture Green 876-3171; 2.54-23-1 Bi Baker Rgaltor Beautiful Acre Sites BRANDON. $31 down $30 mo. or lO-i.
off for cash Will set! err or build ts your plan. EZ terms. Ph. MM217 "ACREAGE PARADE' 2 ACRES Knights Station, $Tori; $2300 dn $50 mo. 18 Acres Thonotosassa area, 000: $2,500 dn $50 mo 1 Acres Keyston Park, paved road.
$6750. 10 Acres Dover area Weal truck farm, on paved road, terms. Acres Rrandon, paved road, $8250, $1500 dn $50 mo 121 Acres HiUsboro Co. 2'4 ml paved 4 graded roads, $150 per A 15" dn. Rudy Kersey, Realtor 4614 Kennedv Blvd.
877-f36 5 ACRES 330 ft paved rd High, dry wooded tract growing area Owner wants action, tall for information. Great American Rltv. Corp It "S3 Dale Mahry 30 A Hish. dry. aTTTfrared for groveland, beautiful grazing land.
9' on HT road. Good drainage. This is a good buy at $650 per acre bal terms Man Mansfield Res 935-7W1 Schwab Real Estate ofc: 877-1248 25 Vocant Lot RESIDENTIAL lot 75x137 4701 F-trella Cleared, filled. $56i0. 876-3783 CORNER kit.
fruit-trees. Near Broward School. 257 1231, 224-3061. NORTHSIDE close" lot $2,000. Beautiful trees, paied atieets.
others $1150 up. 9C5-4440 Rodgers Bkr. 935-65M LG wooded lots nr. TEMPLE TERRACE 1n beautiful HER-CHEL HEIGHTS. Streets, curbs, water mains.
988 1127 or 98 1870. Ofc. 53rd St. and Puritan Rd. I WANT lots South of Hillsborn Ave Palma Ceia area preferred.
Will build on your lot. Ramona Bolding The Lady Builder 935-3193 LOTS in Pinecrest, cleared for building. Call owner 876-7470. LOT for sale. Fruit tree.
N. 18th St. Call owner. 234-6271. DAVIS Islands $3,550.
120." Chippewa, 50' front, 68' rear, 125 ft. deep. Phone 259-8864. SMALL tracts acreage Northeast ofJTampa. Easy terms.
26-2405. LOTS. WHOLESALE RET AIL PINECREST VILLA Cltrni Park wonderful buy. $650 4 up. BILL LAW LEY REALTOR Phones 876-1308 or 932-7214 6025 N.
Daie Mabry VACANT lot 100' frontage. Best section Davis Island. Needs no grading nor removal of trees or stumps. Has lawn and sprinkler system. High border hedge, side and rear.
Right price to responsible people. Owner, 11 Formosa Ave. Davis Island. ACRE TRACTS ALL CLEARED HIGH 4 DRY 2J DOWN $25 MONTH CALL RUTH SMITH Ph 935-2108 Res. 935-5333 J.
B. HAM.NER MILLER REALTOR 9341 Florida Ave. WATERFRONT lot, beautiful residential area, 223-3561 or 832-3641, BRADY REAL ESTATE IN FOREST Hills 100x130', $3075. Northside $1600 up. 935-2747.
SW SECT. N. of Gandv 94Hixl56. 84100. Cash, $2000.
i 229-8088. MABRY, RICE 4 BORING. INC. Realtors 509 Twiggs SEMINOLE. Corner lot withYeveral large oaks.
$3800. 236-5521 JERKINS Res. 232-6503 BEL MAR REALTY 6504 Fla. Av. ONE mile south of Plant City.
11 large dry lots $695 ea. Trms. AUBREY MOORE, Broker 689-4110 H.AVE vacant lots near Nebraska 4 131st Aves. $995 each. Easy terms.
Call 229-3103. 1006 Tampa St. Hankins, Realtor. 27 Mobile Homesites Vs ACRE trL lots, E-Z tms. 301 Mobile Villa, mi.
of Buffal on Hwy. 301. 935-0497, 626-5366. MOVE RIGHT O.N Large lots, only $2S dn, $25 mn. ARCADE REALTY 935-4303 MOBILE HOMESITE FOR SALE GO TO 2408 78TH SOUTH Near ood Fair 4 school 60x125' sites, city water $25 $25 mo.
Call Don 248-6193 FLORIDA'S FINEST ALL necessities and ALL luxuries are yours at ESSEX DOWNS, 9217 W. HiUsboro, Tampa Florida i finest mobile home sion. See the lots today, or soon. Choose yours on or off the water, no lot less than 50-ft wide. Shop, ping, doctors, churches, banking all nearby.
So are th fun things fishing, boating, beaches, golf nnd congenial neighbors. Choose your lot at ESSEX DOWNS, reasonably priced. Call Pet Athan at. 855-4481. Box I.
GibMnton 677-544 HOME ON RIVER 1 A. plus, i BR. rental! la rar, landscaped. Good term. BROOKXR REALTY Ultra Dams tUt-JKt 13 SubarbtiB MrLANE DR.
near Bullaln 4 Faulk-enburg, bedroom CB Immediate poanession. Small down. low month. 988-1761. 2 ON a deep lot near Dal Mabry and Rroad Streets In good condition Has modern kitchen and bath 1 good sir bedrooms Deep well and electric pump Vacant, pav onlv $lon down and move in -t all 229-805 today.
Kistner Realty Insur. Realtors 213 E. tjtaie'te lnmror LGTrR FRnSoTlN. FULL lake privileges. Comp remodeled Luti LITZ 'CR borne 4 cottage, liv for only $30 mo.
Main house 3 BR Fla rm. set. por. Lnt 150x175', dbl. c'port.
beaut, garden. Income on cottac $13,500 Jtfl mo LITZ bide, lot w-Uke priv. 100x121' Hd rd. $2000, $400 dn. LITZ 1 Ar.
plots, no $1200, dn mn R. STONE. BROKE Ofr 4Mt7 LITZ Rrs. 949-4J83 ACRES, partially" wooded. Southwest of Biandon Priced M9-W52 LAKESIDE DR ONE ACRE 3 BH 2 BATH NEARLY NEW SOD 4 sprinkler $15 000 terms 872-9331 Bob Townserd Ir77 REALTYEXCRANGE INC HOME ON HWY.
$50 MO CB home on Old Memorial 2 miles N. of Hillshoro Aie Pav $5n mn moi in Call 229-3103. 1006 Tampa St. Hankins. Realtor.
IrandoB COMPLETELY BEAUTIFUL 3 BR bath, with enclosed garage completely stuccoed, with lifetime while tile roof. All new built-in Frigidaire equipment. In Brandon. Call 689 1217. 3 BEDROOMS WITH carport.
Close to swimming pool. Onlv $62 month. In Brandon. Ph. 689-1217.
KINGSWAY Garden Subdivision Custom built homes large lots FHA A Conventional financing. Ragsdale Construction Co Inc. 689 3115 or 6891327 NEW 4 used 3 BR 2 bath homes on homesites up to l'j acres. Herb DeWolf. Realtor 689-2017 3 BRTm bath, air-cond, heat pump, screened por.
$13,400. Low dn. payment. Call Mrs. Darr 689-2039 W.
W. RAUSCH, BROKER Hwv. 60. Brandon Ofc. 689-3930 2Ac YBRHse $10,000 40 BIG citrus trees.
$1500 dn. 877-6015 Mrs. Whealton 689-3M0 F. Whealton, Bkr. 607-A MacDill 2 a7'H0ME.
$10,500. $2500 dn. 3 BR, 1 B. CB. Cent, heat 4 A-C.
Range 4 ref. $500 dn. $100 mo. G. Singleton.
Broker 689-3214 SUITABLE SITES FOR ANY type business both on and off Highway 60. THE BEST in homesitea too! To fit any need. W. K. Butts.
Bkr. rm 60, 6892717 Beautiful Acre Sites BRANDON. $300 down $30 mo. or 10 off for cash. Will sell acre or build to your plan.
EZ terms. Ph. J589-12 17. LOW DN. PMT wooded HA, 3 BR 2 under const, choice of color, Paul A.
Nil, Bkr. 26-2632 FOR BEST buys; homes 4 home-sites; mobile homes 4 restricted trailer lots; call: W. W. Rausch, Bkr. 689-3930 or 689-2306.
6 ROOM home, hardwood floors corner lot 132x200 689-2842. FOR BEST BUYS TN BEAUTIFUL BRANDON IT'S BUTTS REAL ESTATE A Few Samples: A Brandon Hills 3 2 bath "GEM" onlv $23,500 A New 3 2 bath, lovely Just $18,500 A Roomy 2 all furn. Beautiful area $12,000 Furn. 3 2 bath. "Big Lot 4 Garden" to feed a BIG familv, all for $11,000 See Mr.
Roberts or Mr. Butts Phones: 689-2514 or 689-2717 W. K. BUTTS, BROKER ON 60 RARE BARGAIN! COMPLETELY furn. 3 BR, 2 bath CBS on oak-shaded i-i Acre.
Onlv $.3000 dwn. 4 $60 mo. To see, call DOROTHY NEUBAUER 689-2238 A. H. ZIEGLER.
Inc. 689-3003 5 ACRES hard rd. $8,250 terms 1 ACRE close in $2,750 terms 100x120' HARD Rd. $1,350 terms Mr. Hart 689-2142 eve 252-5861 K.
S. PERDUE, REALTOR 45 LOVELY acres li? miles north of Brandon. 1320' on hard Rn. Some citrus, well. $1667 per A.
DAVE UPSTILL 689-3956 PALMER REALTY 689-2101 Gibsonton HWY frontage, water frontage, street frontage, business, homes. Terms 229-2142. Luti LARGE lot, Lake Holley. Spartan Mansion. Also dinette set, sofa 4 television.
949-4051. All Rusktn area properties W. D. MILLER, REALTOR US 41 at SR 674 PI645-3229 EXCLUSIVE WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT SELECT LOT TO FIT 'House of Your Dreams' Paul B. Dickman, Rltr.
PHONE (145-3211 18 ACRE farm, 3 large flowing wells 626-9735 4.Bedroom, 2-Bath Sl5 OCA Incl. Land- 1 With Garage Monthly 5JP 35 4 OTHER FURNISHED MODELS FROM S12.100 $13,950 VA NO DOWN PAYMENT, FHA $450 DOWN 2 Full Til Baths Colored Bath Fixtures Custom Formica Cabinets Ceramic Til behind Ran? 230 V. Dryer Outlet Wtstir.ghoust Built-in Oven and Rang Colored Double Com. Sink wSpray Marbl Sills 10 x10' Concrete Patio Wide Concrete Drive Whit Terrairo Floor Fiberglass Batt Insulation WORLD WAR II KOREAN WAR VETS CHECK WITH L'S! VOU ELIGIBILITY MAY STILL BE ALIVE!.