Complete Monster/Web Original (2024)

"I already have the data I needed after I adapted to the weapon's blast. However, I've also discovered that your magic gun is a source of tremendous power. If I harness that power, I could annihilate organic life in every universe, every parallel! Leaving only the machines." — Mechakara, Atop the Fourth Wall

Whether you're making whimsical fan videos or your own dramatic series, out on the new media wave, there's no limits on how bad you can make a character.

See also:

  • Creepypasta (Fanfics, SCP Foundation, Related Media)
  • RWBY
  • Survival of the Fittest:
    • Cody Jenson starts out as simply a perverted, arrogant asshole. Then he gets hit with a tire iron, and his mind breaks down. Then he brutally rapes Madelaine Shirohara, kills her, and accidentally shoots Adam's girlfriend. And those are just his first two kills. Template:Spoiler Walter Smith from version two was an example of a badly written Complete Monster, as he came off as pointlessly evil for no real reason; part of this was due to a character whose plotline he was supposed to be a part of not making it into the game, but he was still written poorly and inactively, contributing to his status as an Anticlimax Boss fairly early into the game.
    • Some like to put Danya in this category, what with the whole "kidnapping high school students and forcing them to do horrible things to each other because he hates the US for some reason" thing. And if that weren't enough, he makes snide and sad*stic remarks about the students involved, with one snippet of his dialogue making fun of how Template:Spoiler This is made all the worse by his status as a Karma Houdini.
    • Let's see, committing horrendous acts? Check. Played completely seriously? Check. No justification for his actions? Check. Showing no remorse, and enjoying it? Check. No chance of redemption? That's Maxwell Lombardi in a nutshell, folks.
    • There is absolutely nothing sympathetic about Ashlie Jackson of the Mini site spinoff Evolution, who started out as a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing before getting abducted and assigned a power, and, from the minute she arrived on the island, she had absolutely no problems with killing. One of the best examples is how, when blood appears on her clothes, indicating that she had just killed a person with Invisibility without realizing it, her first thought was that it was that easy, and the second was to worry about the blood on her clothes.
  • Fear, Loathing and Gumbo on the Campaign Trail '72: The world in general in this Alternate History story has become a major Crapsack World, but some dictators outshine all others in heinousness.
    • The Lesser Mao is Mao Zedong's successor as dictator of the Chinese People's Republic. He manages to be even worse than his predecessor, turning all of China into a horrifying hybrid of post-Cold War North Korea and Khmer Rouge-era Cambodia, with totalitarianism ramped up to eleven and the country turned into a giant death camp and killing field. When the military rebels against him for his regime's excesses, he destroys the rebel-controlled city of Kwangsi with a nuclear missile. Later, he creates a virulent strain of influenza that kills the better part of a million people worldwide, none more so than in China itself, creating the worst health year since the Spanish Flu.
    • General Magnus Malan of South Africa makes the Apartheid system even worse until it is effectively a Neo-Nazi state except in name, nominally supported by the United States for its anti-Communist hysteria. His regime is actively waging a losing war in the rest of Southern Africa, committing constant massacres against African natives and using chemical weapons and dirty bombs against their enemies. When their fascist state eventually collapses, he arranges to wipe out most of the continent with South Africa's nuclear arsenal.
    • President Donald Rumsfeld is a dictator who doesn't care about his own people's well being Since taking office, Rumsfeld has destroyed all forms of "welfare" and any regulations on business, causing the poor immense suffering and the workers extreme hardship (and borderline enslavement), along with wanton destruction of the environment. He imprisons or murders critics of his regime on a regular basis, used massive voter fraud and other illegal actions to win the 1984 election, and directly supports the regime of the aforementioned Magnus Malan's, along with other right-wing regimes like Israel and Chile, with military and economic assistance. Rumsfeld supports terrorism in Northern Ireland simply because the UK voted for a Labor government. Rumsfeld later crossed the Moral Event Horizon when "Liberty Legion" officers were ordered to kill soldiers wounded on the battlefield in order to save the costs of caring for them. He's also trying to weaponize AIDS and exploited the aforementioned flu outbreak to spread anti-Chinese racism and get more votes in the election. Finally, he also invaded Cuba in order to distract Americans from their domestic problems, rather than to remove a dictator or help the Cuban people.
  • In Book III of Tasakeru, an exiled wolf named Ares is introduced as being one of these: Template:Spoiler He gets worse. The title of Book III is Soulsnatcher, to give you an idea of how much worse. Template:Spoiler
  • Camilla The Series: Baron Vordenberg from Season 2 is an elderly Austrian baron who is a member of the Silas Board of Directors. When he is first introduced, he seems to be a kind and friendly man, despite his apparent disdain for vampires. Once Laura gets him voted as the Chairman of the Board, he immediately shows his true colors by ordering a detainment of all vampires and anything supernatural in Silas University. He has some of the students, including Laura's friend Danny (whom he lies that he will stop after arresting Carmilla and Mattie), recruited into his militia , and preaches anti-vampire propaganda. It is discovered that, despite the potential consequences, he intends to kill Lophiiformes, all to make a name for himself. After killing Lophiiformes, he intends to execute Carmilla and Mattie, along with any students protecting vampires; the attempted arrest indirectly leads to Mattie's death. After almost callously shooting one of his men, Laura starts a resistance against him. In the battle, he has Theo betray them and kill Danny. The next day, he has the other board members shot over the announcements and prepares to execute Carmilla in front of Laura's webcam, taunting them all the while.
  • Imperium Nova doesn't have many of these, but Patrice Rey Barte of Gemini managed to earn the title by orchestrating an orbital bombardment of the planet Dnoces 13 that can killed over a billion people because he was bored.
  • Marrissa from Adam Cadre's Dark Marrissa. Among other things, she Template:Spoiler to punish Template:Spoiler for suggesting that she take a moment to reconsider Template:Spoiler.
  • Alexia from The Return who uses Mind Rape as a recruitment tool, turning unwilling humans into her compliant, loving daughter Succubi, and then gleefully abuses, discards, and uses them as Cannon Fodder; after all, it doesn't matter if they die - she can always make more. Of the villains so far, she might not have been the biggest, but certainly the scariest due to her ability and willingness to strike at our heroes' sense of identity and security. She also caused the most pain and suffering and was considered appalling even by the standards of other demons.
  • SMG4 Series:God Box was a mysterious object located in The Great Beyond and was the religious figure of the Box Club's worship it,corruption over Niles only worsens as his mind suddenly becomes warped and he begins to believe that to fix himself, he must make not only himself, but his entire universe "perfect" and thus asks the box how to accomplish this. Despite it not saying anything, Niles reacts to it as if it replies, to which he agrees with whatever it told him but says that he'll need more power to pull it off, to which the box responds by granting him more power, which serves to only poison him further as he begins to show signs of psychopathy.. In the movie, SMG3, SMG4, and Mario went inside the God Box using their own Guardian Pods to save Melony from Niles, while SMG1 and SMG2 stayed behind to try to close the box, but to no avail. Eventually, unable to close the box, SMG1 and SMG2 decided to create a bomb using meme energy, with SMG3, SMG4, Mario, and Melony narrowly escaping the box before its destruction.
  • Sir Benedict Cumbersnatch is the leader of the Port Aurora Crime Syndicate. Once a powerful crime boss, Benedict attempted to steal the Phoenix Egg to use its ashes to become immortal and make a criminal empire that will last forever, uncaring that this will cause death and ruin to come to Port Aurora. Benedict is stopped and sealed inside an egg shaped body by Sheriff Aloysius Bori, but only after mortally wounding the latter. Returning 100 years later, Benedict forms a crime syndicate to help him with his plans, while also ordering the Spud Buds to kill Aloysius' grandson, Auri Bori, just to spite his deceased Arch Enemy. When Meggy and Auri interfere with his plans, Benedict has the Funky Fource frame them for attempting to assassinate Mayora Bora, before attempting to kill the duo with a bomb. Upon taking over Port Aurora's lighthouse, causing pain to several children in the process, Benedict has his minions rampage throughout the island, uncaring if anyone gets killed in the process. When confronted by Meggy and Auri, Benedict manages to kill Auri by attempting to shoot Meggy with a laser, forcing Auri to sacrifice himself to save her, before proceeding to gloat about it and attempts to use the Phoenix Egg to restore himself to his original form and resurrect his criminal empire.
  • And of course there is Dr. James Sheridan, upon being revealed to have survived the lab incident, is the true mastermind of the series. Originally a scientist working for TASCorp, he, under the threat of being terminated, initiates Project Blue as a means of revolutionizing the gaming industry. His ego bruised by Derek Lucks stealing the idea of the Meta Runner arm from him, Sheridan went into hiding, orchestrating events which climaxed in hacking Masa's arm to force him to shoot Lucks. After incriminating Masa, Sheridan joins forces with Evelyn Claythorne and tries to kill his creation Tari and revive Lucinia to make her part of his team. Torturing and brainwashing Belle and Masa, Sheridan's madness reaches its peak when he transfers all Meta Runners into his server to force them to kill each other over and over while their physical bodies decayed
  • Evelyn was the daughter of the Claythorne family. She decides to join TAS Corp for attention and fame from others undergoing many years of training until Tari came along leading to her having hatred towards her. She enters Belle's room talking to her about how Lucks is always favoriting Tari while also believing she will betray the team just like Lucinia upsetting Belle before she leaves. After Tari and Evelyn's training are done she snatches the game from Tari's hands that belong to the worker declaring it hers. Tari then goes into her room to get the tablet back but Evelyn and Belle caught her. Despite wanting her punished Belle lets her go instead of telling Lucks. Tari and Evelyn gave their speech but were interrupted by the power outage switching the Hidden Heroes cartridge in the process. While playing Hidden Heroes both are struggling to work together. When Tari asks why she hates her Evelyn tells her reasons which irritated Tari in the process. Finding out about Tari's plan she reports it to Lucks telling him to not trust Tari before she fights her. Long story short she gets bodied by Tari before being locked in a pod. She was contacted by Lucks who asked her to stop Theo and Tari from completing the glitched game cartridge as a giant monster with cheat codes to kill them. She gets defeated again before begging Lucks to give her another chance leading to him hanging up on her. She then received a call thinking it was her father but it was not, instead, the caller offers her a chance to gain Tari's abilities which she accepts before revealing himself as Sheridan reveals to survive the explosion. She then both tortured and tormented Tari after landing in a virtual replica of Silica City during their fight before bringing her to Sheridan in order for Lucinia to get revived by transferring Tari's consciousness. At the testing room, Tari escapes with Theo while Evelyn fights them before all of them go to a portal and leading to Evelyn slashing Tari which ended up removing her data fragments. At the Skybreakers server, she continuously tries to hunt down Tari while also killing other players right from the get-go, which in actuality, they were transferred to Sheridan's server. She then uses her arm to send Lamar into Sheridan's server instead of killing him where millions of Meta Runners are forced to kill each other from Sheridan's order. After meeting with the brainwashed Masa and Belle, they caught up with the Bluejay crew leading them to eliminate both Marco and Lamar from the server. She then fought and decides to kill Theo upon crushing him to death till he dissipates to nothing, all just to spite Tari when she revealed his death to her to get even with her. Just when she is about to kill Tari once and for all, she ends up getting defeated when her meta-runner vision returns to her, and Masa regains conscience upon intervening with her torment the first time. After Sheridan's death, she gets disconnected from his server. She then angrily curses everyone for ruining her life before getting punched in the face by Lucinia, who was revived by Tari. Lucinia then scolds her for everything she has done before strapping her to a chair before the group leaves her. It was then revealed she was arrested by the police for her crimes on TV as she is seen begging for her life and wanting her father to hire a lawyer before being sent away. In the credits, she is seen crying while holding her cell number and likely rot in prison for the rest of her life.
  • The Whateley Universe:
    • Emil Hammond, a modern-day Josef Mengele who likes to perform horrific experiments on kidnapped mutant children—and believes himself justified because, to him, they're not even human.
    • Deathlist, a psychopathic, Nigh Invulnerable cyborg who gets off on widespread carnage and considers the world to owe him a debt of pain. The most horrific thing he's done so far was to kidnap a mutant superheroine, jam a power-neutralizing device into her skull, then hack off her arms and legs and give her to his troops as a sex toy. Then, when she died after more than a month of torture and rape, he impaled her corpse on a pole with a message to one of her former team-mates carved into her chest. Not even his Freudian Excuse (namely, that Template:Spoiler) nets him any sympathy after that. The really horrifying part: that message to a former teammate? It was a thank you note, for allowing him to do that. Moral Event Horizon for said "hero" right there.
    • Hekate, a wizardess supervillain-in-training, whose rap sheet includes using a spell to enslave two of her classmates for a year, during which they were repeatedly raped and otherwise abused while being completely aware of what was happening but powerless to stop it, as well as the fact that the athamé she used in the spell was empowered by the ritual sacrifice of two young children. Not only that, Template:Spoiler
    • Four: Overclock, who plans to trap super-regenerator in a holographic sim, drive her insane, cause her to accidentally kill someone and maybe blow up her friends too, all so she'll end up in the prison known as ARC Red Complex until she dies...which, since she's a super-regenerator, might be forever. Why? She ate up all of his favorite cereal one morning, before he got any.
  • Twp'atwt from Protectors of the Plot Continuum. Easily the most sociopathic Guard, he was also the one who began murdering the prisoners when the DIS was defeated, and he loved to make people hurt. Word of God is that his name was an acronym for "The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time", which was certainly his modus operandi. His maiming and later Karmic Death at the hands of Template:Spoiler are two of several CMOAs in the series.
    • Many of the DIS in general were portrayed as Complete Monsters, particularly the Bracket Fungus' Dragon, Nendil Morifëa, an old follower of the Sons of Fëanor whose name was even Elvish for "Black soul". The Bracket Fungus himself would count, if not for the fact he doesn't directly act often enough to qualify; the only time he's shown taking things into his own hands is during one of the final battles in the Crashing Down story.
  • Alastor from The Anti Cliche and Mary Sue Elimination Society can be counted as one. So he's Template:Spoiler. Okay, sympathetic, understandable. What pushes him into the Complete Monster territory is his idea to combine all of the Universes together, absorbing all the inhabitants (I.E. EVERYONE), and using them all to kill his Author, only to revive him and kill him again and again and again, mind f*cking him in the process.
  • Sola Soulhawk from The Insane Quest: single, red-haired young woman seeking man (or woman) for companionship. Enjoys long walks on the beach, salsa, genocide, destroying worlds, murdering your closest friends, laughing at how weak you are, and Cold-Blooded Torture. Call now!
  • Look to the West: General Lascelles seems to have formed the Bavarian Germanic Republic just so he can genocide the population for being inferior to the Latin race (according to Evil-Steampunk-Revolutionary-France's ethnic hierarchy). Eventually, and ironically, he is killed by the leaders of La Résistance. Why is this ironic? Because both the resistance leaders are descended from real-world ancestors of Adolf Hitler. Also, they may or may not have eaten him.
  • "The Monster", the aptly named Serial Killer from Plagam Extremam Infligere.
  • Thankfully, the Global Guardians PBEM Universe only has a few of these...things.
    • The Blood Red King (the Anthropomorphic Personification of Terror), who, on a lark, once invaded the maternity ward of a Belgian hospital and suffocated all the babies whose name began with an "odd-numbered" letter (A = 1, C = 3, and so on). He once forced a crusading televangelist to rape, strangle, and dismember his own teenage daughter during a live television broadcast because he didn't like the man's hair. And the less said about what he did when he took over the Figlie Della Carita' di San Vincenzo De Paoli, a convent in Rome, the better.
    • Tom Foolery. When he was first introduced, the players took him to be the usual gadget-wielding psychotic clown. But then they discover his "Peanut Gallery" (inhabited by the badly embalmed corpses of over a dozen children he'd abducted), a built-in "audience" for whom he was performing his "tricks".
    • Swarm is a mutant driven insane by the very thought of her powers (she can turn into a horde of co*ckroaches). She's lost any humanity that was in her back when she was "normal" and now is little more than a cannibal Serial Killer.
  • Atop the Fourth Wall suprisingly has some
    • Mechakara's a robot from an alternate dimension where Linkara's Robot Buddy Pollo turned evil and killed him and robots overthrew humanity. His plans solely revolve around sending our protagonist into a mental breakdown, and when that fails, he captures him and plans to kill him slowly, simply because his death went too fast the first time around. While that would normally make him just another killer robot, what shoots him over the top is how, after getting the magic MacGuffin that he came for, he decides instead to destroy all organic life in the multiverse. He's a cold heartless monster and the fact that he's returned is a signal he'll only get worse from here. It gets particularly bad in the Silent Hill Dead/Alive videos, where Mechakara Template:Spoiler
    • Template:Spoiler can count. Seriously, Template:Spoiler
  • Malachite from the TGWTG 3-year anniversary movie Suburban Knights definitely qualifies for this. He wants to destroy all of the world's current technology and will kill anyone who disagrees with him and/or gets in his way. And what makes him truly frightening is that none of his villainy is played for laughs, Template:Spoiler; he's the only character in the whole movie that's played completely serious. Any humor in his scenes come from the awkward reactions of his soon-to be murder victims. He also holds the site's record for highest on-screen body count out of all of the villains.
    • That aforementioned Template:Spoiler It makes him even worse. Why? Because, through the wonders of fridge horror, you realise Template:Spoiler
    • Even among his peers, he beats them all!
      • That Guy is an Faux Affably Evil Jerkass Woobie with a Freudian Excuse and has an ongoing Humiliation Conga breaking him. Malachite is played completely straight and is doing what he does just because he lost.
      • Bennett doesn't always stay consistent. While very creepy, in his own show, he has some resemblance of humanity. Malachite stays constant and has probably been this way Template:Spoiler
      • The Entity has killed off a universe and a number of Linkara's allies. Yet it's an Eldritch Abomination and may be an example of Blue and Orange Morality. Malachite is bona-fide human.
      • And you know what makes this even worse? Even after the TGWTG crew managed to Template:Spoiler Granted, Template:Spoiler but Template:Spoiler
  • Neopets has a surprising amount:
    • Razul: An emperor who had a lust for immortality so great, he cast a curse upon his own city - and his own son - to become a fiery demon, and when he returned, he attempted to murder his daughter-in-law.
    • Lord Kass: After Lord Darigan was defeated, Kass ascended to the leadership of the Citadel through blackmail, bribery, intimidation, and propaganda, and then waged war against Meridell to gain power. More than a few fans are reminded of Hitler. Unfortunately, he's a huge victim of Draco in Leather Pants.
    • Alexander Krawley: The mysterious villain of the Tale of Woe, Krawley tricked a town into taking a potion that would turn them into monsters and apparently caused the death and abandonment of The Meepit Oaks Sanitorium, all for kicks.
    • Captain Scarblade: Most pirates in Neopia are pirates who don't do anything. Scarblade averts that; he's as vicious and cruel as Real Life pirates and attempted to destroy Maraqua simply because it didn't stay destroyed. He, too, is a Draco in Leather Pants.
    • The Darkest Faerie: The Mistress of Nightmares, the Darkest Faerie attempted to drop Faerieland into Neopia well before Xandra did. Not only that, but she may have been un-petrified with the rest of the faeries...Furthermore, she even attempted to rewrite the history of Altador and the entire Neopia to make herself their "founder"!
  • Red vs. Blue has these two repugnant assholes:
    • The CEO of Charon Industries, Malcom Hargrove, aka the Chairman, is one of the biggest villains in the series, and among its most evil. Even before his villain reveal, his investigation on the Director of Project Freelancer goes too far when he releases Agent Washington, who had no hesitation to kill the Reds and Blues at that point, and the Meta, a known criminal who killed Freelancers for their equipment and A.I.s, from prison to hunt down Epsilon, who was currently in possession of the Blue Team. He finds alien artifacts on a planet known as Chorus, so in order to collect them, he hires a group of Space Pirates to kill everyone on the planet by manipulating them into a Civil War. He sends ships containing cargo for the mercinaries to use to the planet, where the mercs kill everyone on the ship and steal the cargo for their own use. When the mission is in jeopardy, he threatens to kill his two lead mercs Locus and the below character by sending a new agent to finish the job. When he is exposed, he decides to kill everyone.
    • Felix, one of the Co-Dragons to the aforementioned character, is just as bad. When he fought in the Great War, he never showed any mercy to his enemies, even those that were trying to surrender. When one of his teammates, Locus, was broken by the war, Felix kept him from getting help and dragged him along because he knew that he couldn't survive without his partner, despite hating him. When he was hired by his boss to create a Civil War on the planet Chorus, the mercenary took his job too far by infiltrating one the sides because he thought it would be fun for them to trust him while not knowing that he was leading them to their deaths while mocking them for trusting him. He also leads the raid on prison ship where the entire crew is killed and the prisoners who are not worthy to join forces with him ejected from the ship. When word comes out about the Purge, He is unable to resist being the one to personally kill off everyone, showing that he doesn't care about the orders and more about just killing for the hell of it, going as far as to sacrifice his own men just to kill everyone else. When the Purge temple is destroyed, Felix goes after the Reds and Blues just so he can kill them.
  • Mecha Sonic in Super Mario Bros Z qualifies to a "T". As soon as he came into being (via Metal Sonic absorbing past models into himself), he destroys the Death Egg and forces it to crash-land on Mobius, causing an apocalypse. He then, while hunting down the Chaos Emeralds, also took the opportunity to kill Sonic's friends in extremely brutal ways (Tails by strangling him, Amy by beating her up, Knuckles by beating him up and then filling him up with machine-gun processed lead, and Cream and Cheese by apparently blowing her head off), and had wiped out most, if not all, of the planet's population and turned almost half of it into a burning wasteland. He was also the reason for Shadow's current personality, because he murdered Rouge and Omega, the only people he could call his friends. As soon as he arrived at the Mushroom Kingdom to recover the Chaos Emeralds, he also killed a Goomba who found a Chaos Emerald simply because he didn't give it to him, even though there was absolutely no way he could have known that was a Chaos Emerald. He then mercilessly beats up Yoshi to gain his chaos emerald (and says that he would have killed Yoshi anyways even if he did comply to his request). He later brutally killed both the Koopa Bros and the Axem Rangers X and destroyed Yoshi's Island. Not just scouring the surface, but hitting the island with a Frieza-style Sphere of Destruction so violent that it vaporised the entire island. This is one of his nicer moments.
  • Bowser, of all people, gets hit with this trope in Mario Plush Forever. He first kidnaps Yoshi, since he holds the cure for the fart curse, so that he could cure himself before anyone else can. While this alone does not qualify him, it's also implied that he plans some pretty sad*stic things in order to find said cure, and his reaction to his Koopa assistant telling him that he's better off giving the Yoshi to the Mario brothers is to gruesomely burn him alive for his insolence. And he only gets worse after he (accidentally) eats a poisoned Ghost Mushroom, causing him to transform into Giga Bowser. He proceeds to go on a violent rampage through the Mushroom Kingdom, endangering countless lives in the process. And during the final battle, he happily sends most of his own troops to their deaths, completely uncaring that they stand no chance against Mario and co., and effortlessly slaughters a huge chunk of their friends with his fire breath and plasma beams, even when they start fleeing for their lives. He then gloats to everyone that he truly cannot be stopped, even going so far as to say that he's most powerful being in the universe, only for Karma to put him in his place when Master Hand and Crazy Hand destroy him for his hubris. An uncaring sociopath devoid of any of his canon self's redeeming qualities, this Bowser is nothing more than an unfettered monster whose remorselessly destructive actions threatened everyone and everything in his path.
  • Russian dictator Gridenkov from the Chaos Timeline and many of his followers. At the end, when the Germans start to nuke his country, he goes completely off his rocker and sacrifices prisoners to Chernobog. At least, that's what some people say.
  • In Eclipse, Freiherr Eighinn Stossuhl is a brutish, Trigger Happy thug who firmly believes that Might Makes Right. In his first appearance, he threatens to attack a neutrally-aligned country (Cessair) if they failed to turn in the main character. When the main character actually leaves peacefully, Stossuhl attacks Cessair anyway, in a war that cost the lives of 86,492 people and eradicated Cessair's entire infrastructure. When he gets hit by a sniper, Stossuhl responds by destroying an entire building; he admitted that the sniper probably wasn't there anyway. He incinerates an entire platoon of his own soldiers when they took too much time to get through a maze. When an injured soldier grabbed his ankle, Stossuhl destroyed his entire upper torso because he was stopped from sprinting. When another soldier offers to patch him up after a fight, Stossuhl pushed his skull into his torso because "Real men never disarm themselves." When an informant reveals that all of his targets had escaped, Stossuhl immediately chokes the informant to death, while still demanding to know where they went. He proceeds to order the eradication of Cessair, and when his colleagues called him out on it, Stossuhl continues the shelling out of spite. At a public speech, Stossuhl attempted to divert his culpability in the invasion by claiming his colleagues supported it (when they didn't). Finally, Stossuhl publicly executed close to a hundred Cessair prisoners (and his own bodyguards) by unleashing a stream of magma that morphed them into a mesh of dry, organic rock.
  • This is what Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl would've become if she had not died. In a comic, she said she wanted to take over the world; she also seems to take delight in peoples' unfortunate lives. It is also hinted that she fakes idiocy to torment Ragamuffin. She also often brutally murders Mr. Gosh [1], even though she has good reason to do this to him. And given what she did to an ugly woman in A Walk in the City, this just comes out as pure villainy. But, due to her being the titular character of the series, she most likely avoids falling into this trope.
  • In the fan movie The Legend of Zelda the Sage of Darkness, we have Davik, Link's uncle and also the titular villain. He seems to train Link in the ways of the Hero, only he's really attempting to feed Link hatred and anger in order to speed up Ganon's revival, even supplying him with the White Sword, one of Ganon's artifacts. He's also manipulating Ertegun for his own agenda, and it is also hinted that he also plans on betraying Ganon as part of his agenda as well. He also brutally murdered Link's parents as well as poisoned his own sister. The reason? None whatsoever, aside from possibly trying to get Link to go down the road of hatred even more. And his real plan is to extinguish the Cycle of Eternity, which may result in the destruction of the entire world, for no reason besides hating it for unspecified reasons. He's also a psychopath.
  • From the other Zelda fan movie, The Hero of Time, Ganondorf is once again presented as a selfish, power-hungry tyrant without any care for anyone in the world but himself. His Establishing Character Moment in the first few minutes of the film show him killing Link's Mother in cold blood after she gave Link, who is still just a baby at the time, to the Kokiri in order to protect him from Ganon's wrath. He also manipulates Princess Zelda's father, the King of Hyrule for his own ends, before poisoning him and taking his Triforce of Power for his own. And when Link opens the Sacred Realm by claiming the Master Sword, Ganon spends the next seven years taking control of Hyrule and releasing the Demons of Element to the five corners of the kingdom to guard the Sages. He's also partially responsible for other atrocities such as the death of Malon, who had been killed by Ganon's soldiers during their raid on Lon Lon Ranch, earning Talon's undying hatred, as well as the extinction of the Gorons, leaving Prince Dariu the sole survivor so that he could serve as an example of those who disobey him. And that's not even mentioning him allowing the people of Hyrule, including children, to be constantly harassed by his soldiers. His treatment towards his own minions is no better, as he constantly threatens his right-hand man such as threatening to have his "glamorous head" staked on a pike outside his castle if he doesn't stay hidden in the shadows, and again near the end when he has him taken away to be executed for failure to stop Link and Sheik. Lastly, he has Sheik captured by his remaining soldiers to use as a hostage before going after Link himself for the final battle, and even after he was defeated and sealed in the sacred realm, the fight left Link severely weakened for one last onslaught from Ganon's soldiers to finish him off, meaning that he would have died horribly if not for Zelda revealing herself and sending him back in time to prevent Ganondorf's rise to power.
  • The Wolf Creek franchise has Michael "Mick" Taylor, an Australian serial killer, rapist, and torturer who preys upon tourists visiting the Wolf Creek area, falsely befriending them before taking them back to his home and slowly torturing them to death. He has killed several dozen people including a little girl. One of his favorite methods is "head on a stick", where he severs their spine to turn them into a human vegetable. At the end of the second film, he frames one of his victims for his crimes, leading to the ruination of the victim’s life. In the prequel novels Origin and Desolation Game, he killed his mother who loved him dearly and killed a dog to force feed it to its owner before killing him too. While being pursued by four other serial killers, Mick tied up his girlfriend Rose and used her as rape bait to lure the killers into a trap, and killed one named Jerry by gutting him and force-feeding him his own intestines. During the Vietnam War, he committed more atrocities, and continued raping, torturing, and killing when he returned home. In the TV miniseries, he murders Eve Thorogood's family, and spends the rest of the series trying to kill her. He captures her Love Interest and tortures him before making her stab and kill her love interest herself. In the second season, he murders a man who had been his friend for decades to eliminate someone who could connect him to his crimes, and targets a large tour group because the guide said Mick wouldn't make a good tour guide due to how politically incorrect he was.
  • William Shaw in Paperwalls. Just read the story.
  • Wesker from Resident Evil is as monstrous as ever during the current story arc of the Minecraft Forums version of We Are Our Avatars.
  • Venomstripe from Warrior Cats RPG is one of these, a sad*stic cannibal who kills high positions for the hell of it and is quite possibly the poster child for Even Evil Has Standards - BloodClan, one of the most evil groups in the game, and SunClan, a vicious anti-Clan group, are the major cats after her.
  • In the original web novel version of The Rising Of The Shield Hero, the King of Faubley is a grotesque pig of a man who abuses his position to gain new "playthings". Threatening other countries to send him women, the King is a Serial Rapist who takes brides to rape and torture them to death, a fate so horrible that many prospective brides opt for suicide if possible. Upon receiving them, he proceeds to "play" with them and have them healed to continue the fun, having 9,999 brides that he has raped and murdered. When even the evil Malty is sent to him, the hero Naofumi cannot even watch the horrific recording of what the king does to her, despite his hatred of Malty.
  • From Arby 'n' the Chief, we have Psychopathic Manchild Adam. He's a rare example in the series in that he doesn't get played for laughs or just commit console attrocities. Scott was smoking too much pot to do anything truly malicious, Sky was an idiot, Trent at least tried to be polite to Arbiter most of the time, and most of Chaos Theosis range from Affably Evil (Duncan) to Faux Affably Evil (everyone else). Adam is frequently abusive to his mother, won't even ditch his console to see his dying grandmother, Template:Spoiler, and generally seems to enjoy fragging (and perma-banning) players for no good reason. He's the Token Evil Teammate for an already morally ambiguous group, and they are disgusted to keep him on their group.
    • He treats his "friends" like crap too. He threatens to ban one of them and jokes about another one's dead mother.
    • Though it isn't part of Arby 'n' the Chief canon, Arby 'n' the Chief In L.A. had Mario of all people turned into this. He leads three other toys and treats them all awfully. He breaks Sonic's leg for playing Halo 3 and constantly spites his brother. He also later forces Arbiter to choose between having a place to stay or staying with Master Chief. After that, he locks Sonic in a cupboard and forces Toad to capture Arbiter and do the same. Finally, he tries to kill both Sonic and Arbiter by burning them alive.
  • Red Dawn Plus 20 has many monsters, by virtue of being Dirty Communists...
    • The biggest and baddest of them all is the GRU's General Sergei Khvostov, aka "The Butcher of Clear Lake City." His offenses include...
      • He arrived at Johnson Space Center in Houston and found that NASA had managed to move everything (personnel, equipment, documentation) out of there before the invaders arrived, leaving only a mocking note "Catch us if you can." His response was to order the massacre of the families of NASA contractors, astronauts, and anyone else left behind in Clear Lake City.
      • Bathing a Cuban officer (one of his nation's allies) in battery acid when they got into an argument over a mistress.
      • Massacring the town of Freer, Texas in response to an assassination attempt (that's implied to have actually been carried out by other elements of the KGB who found his methods counterproductive).
      • Forcing the mayor of San Antonio to kill one of his staff, threatening to rape her and then kill her himself anyway if he didn't. (He complied).
    • General Gennady Bratchenko, the brother of the original film's Big Bad, dropped VX nerve gas and/or White Phosphorous ("Willy Pete") on Louisiana towns merely suspected of aiding La Résistance.
      • DNA Testing in-story reveals that, between 1965 and 1988, 4,000 "cold" rape cases turned out to have been committed by fourteen different PAC members.
  • The Questport Chronicles has the Master of Darkness, an insane wizard who aspires to plunge the entire world into darkness.
  • The Irate Gamer. He blew up a harmless alien mothership, destroyed Ubisoft's headquarters because he couldn't get into their E3 conference, slaughtered the Kool-Aid Man for being himself, and complains too much and copies from the AVGN.
  • Iron Rose, the sad*stic dolphin from Cold Blood. Usually, when you see a dolphin as the villain, it's Played for Laughs or as a parody. Iron Rose, though, is played straight, as unfunny and unsympathetically as possible. He murders innocent sea creatures such as porpoises for humor, captures the human girl Natalie and plans to rape her and then drown her when he's done. As soon as the protagonist, Kevin, and his bird foster parents, Ebony and Phil, come in, he breaks Ebony's wing in front of Kevin and laughs as she moans in pain. Then he tries to kill Kevin in front of Ebony and almost succeeds. At first, it looks like he has a Freudian Excuse when, at the end, he's beached and he claims that he was abused as a calf. Kevin instantly feels sorry for him and gets him back into the water. However, as soon as he's done that, Template:Spoiler Is your Flipper filled childhood ruined yet?
  • The Punisher fan film Dirty Laundry has the unnamed gang leader who savagely beats and rapes a prostitute who owes him money, then goes on to attempt to beat a little boy to death for refusing to run drugs for him and is implied to have done the same to a little girl in the past and broke the legs of a war vet who tried to stop him. Given how this is a Punisher flick (But as mentioned, a fanmade one), he thankfully gets a very satisfying death. Template:Spoiler
  • Sonic the Hedgehog fan film: Dr. Robotnik, formerly known as Julian Kintobor, declares war on Mobius under the belief that society should be under his leadership, beginning his path of destruction by committing genocide on almost all of the South Islanders. Taking over Station Square, he has his forces overwhelm the G.U.N. Soldiers trying to stop him, and even attempts to have one of them murdered in cold blood. When Sonic stops this, he then proceeds to brutally torture an captured soldier for information on the Blue Blur, and when the soldier fails to provide him with the info, Robotnik orders for the man to be robotized against his will. When an group of soldiers try to fight back, Robotnik orders his forces to ambush and mercilessly kill them. After Sonic saves the soldiers, Robotnik immediately orders for his forces to kill Sonic for daring to interfere with his plans for conquest. Claiming that he's an well intended man who's in the people's best interests, Dr. Robotnik is in reality an cruel, ruthless scientist who would kill anyone who would dare to get in his way.
  • Unlike the Affably Evil and redeemable trickster he is in canon, the version of Discord in Hotdiggedydemon's Pony.MOV series is far more monstrous, being a Faux Affably Evil sad*st. His first appearance shows him rampaging through Ponyville, proclaiming himself their god and demanding their virgins. His worst crimes during his onslaught are murdering Apple Bloom in cold blood by stomping on her right after she gains her Cutie Mark and biting off Princess Celestia's head after he's defeated and deposed her. He's later joined by Wolfor and R-Dash 5000, and they proceed to reduce Ponyville to ashes, destroying countless lives in the process. Through all this, Discord takes sad*stic pleasure in the carnage he's inflicting, as shown by the deranged Slasher Smile he constantly wears. During his final battle with Titan! Rainbow Dash, he relished in gloating about burning the world of Equestria to her face before proceeding to slowly rip her wings off in the most painful and drawn out manner possible simply For the Evulz. While some of his scenes are Played for Laughs (such as his line towards the end "PONIES ARE FOR LITTLE GIRLS!!!!"), the nature and results of his actions, as well as the evilness of the character himself, are played completely seriously. Needless to say, his Karmic Death when Rainbow Dash decapitates him with the Titan's Sword feels very well deserved.
  • In Skellington's Revenge, the Black Hiver manages to be the only YouTube Poop example of this trope, his villainy being played completely seriously. When Jack Skellington summons this demon to help him take over Christmas, it gives him the power to trap the souls of those who oppose him in paintings. It then enacts it's plan by trapping SpongeBob, Patrick, RED Team, the Eds, and Fluttershy in its dimension just because they were celebrating Christmas. It then proceeds to kill them all in horrific ways (burning the Edd, Eddy, and the Spy before eating them; throwing a rock at Patrick, causing him to fall to his death) and turns the bodies of Scout, Soldier, and Fluttershy against everyone else. This culminates when Jack undergoes a Heel Face Turn, pissing off the Hiver, who proceeds to kill SpongeBob and try to kill Jack. As it is doing this, it admits that its goal of ravaging and dominating all the holiday realms is far beyond what Jack wanted, and that it was using Jack to achieve it. Thankfully once the Hiver is destroyed, all the horrors it committed come undone. Devoid of any comedy, the Black Hiver was a surprisingly dark and menacing villain for a YouTube Poop character.
  • Five Nights at Freddy's: The Stories:Shadow Freddy, better known as Nightmare,Back in the day as the human, his personality is shown to be nice and protective father and worker that who wanted to take care of his family, including himself. He always love working at Fredbear's Family Diner and wouldn't want everything better than it. Later on, after he was fired from his job, his personality has been changed into the dangerous man when he tried to kill The Night Guard for framing him as sabotaging one of the animatronics by using Fredbear, but It all went wrong, he was murdered by Fredbear instead. As the animatronic, he is now psychopathic, cruel, manipulative and sad*stic. He also doesn't like when he gets outclassed as Toy Chica tricked him and got into the portal before one of the nightmare animatronics got in with her. He also likes to test others loyalty to him, as he requested Mangle to kill Foxy into getting more powerful and as hard as it was for her, she did as her Lord said and killed him. He was proud for her for doing so and did as he promised. He is also extremely confident to the point of arrogance. He was unfazed by Toy Chica telling him that they'll defeat him and that his self-confidence will backfire against him, only laughed it off. He also likes to provoke others, as he provoked Toy Chica and mocking her until he got what he wanted off her, by getting her mad and hit her, with Nightmare damaged her armour so badly.


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